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updating robotic gunboat enerbun table
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On the first day of the robot invasion, after you defeat 15 robots (I only got lanky and treaded types), you get a message:<br>
On the first day of the robot invasion, after you defeat 15 robots (I only got lanky and treaded types), you get a message:<br>
Silence. You look around, but no more robots seem to be moving anywhere in the space station. Scrap metal and scorch marks are all you see. [[image:station-lobby.jpg]]<br clear="all">
Silence. You look around, but no more robots seem to be moving anywhere in the space station. Scrap metal and scorch marks are all you see. [[image:station-lobby.jpg]]<br clear="all">

Revision as of 15:04, 18 August 2013

On the first day of the robot invasion, after you defeat 15 robots (I only got lanky and treaded types), you get a message:
Silence. You look around, but no more robots seem to be moving anywhere in the space station. Scrap metal and scorch marks are all you see.

The description of the Space Station location then reads:
You're in one of what will be several large community areas in the space station. The rest of the station is made of private quarters and office and research space. There are a few locations available to you. All is still after the robot invasion. It's quiet. Too quiet.
--Tarwix 22:04, 3 March 2008 (MST)

On the second day of the robot invasion, (I got lanky, treaded & crawler types) after you defeat 25 robots, you get a message:
Silence. Again. You look around, but no more robots seem to be moving anywhere in the space station. Again. Scrap metal and scorch marks are all you see. Yeah, again.
And the Space Station description is:
You're in one of what will be several large community areas in the space station. The rest of the station is made of private quarters and office and research space. There are a few locations available to you. All is still after the robot invasion. Again. It's quiet. Again. Too quiet. Again.
by the way, I'm not getting any chips from treaded robots.
--Tarwix 23:55, 3 March 2008 (MST)

By the way, you must talk to Susan before going into the Space Station, or you get:
Armed guards stand in front of the portal and insist that the station is closed again. You'll have to talk to Susan first to see what's going on.
--Tarwix 21:31, 4 March 2008 (MST)

The Journal entry after defeating the second day's robots reads:
All is quiet again in the space station. Again. There's been some damage, but not too much. Again. The continued invasion is very troublesome.
--Tarwix 22:42, 4 March 2008 (MST)

OK, the message after defeating the third day's robots (lost count, around 30-35 of them) is:
Silence. Again, again. You look around, but no more robots seem to be moving anywhere in the space station. Scrap metal and scorch marks and muddy water are all you see. Could that really be the last of them?
same image as before. robotic gunboat is new enemy.
Space Station location description then reads:
You're in one of what will be several large community areas in the space station. The rest of the station is made of private quarters and office and research space. There are a few locations available to you. This place is a mess, but the robots seem to be gone. Could that be the end of them?
Journal entry now reads:
All is quiet again in the space station. Yet again. The place is a mess, but you've put a lot of robots in their place. Maybe that's the end of it?
--Tarwix 00:27, 5 March 2008 (MST)

New Content

messages for the fourth day:
Journal entry:
Yeah, the robots are at it again--again times four. It's an even bigger mess now. Maybe it's time for another tactic.
Susan Novak says:
"The robots are back! It's a little different this time. There are more of them, many more. But there seems to be a different set, with greater variety. Still, they're making a complete mess of the space station." first adventure in the Space Station is the "Hey, There's Nobody Driving that Canoe!". You will now be fighting the Paddlebots & Fordicons - welcome to some of the newest content!
--Tarwix 23:42, 5 March 2008 (MST)

Attempting to use the "Last Area Patrolled" link after getting the The Only Thing Worse than a Love Triangle is a Hate Triangle adventure returns the message: "You cannot be here now. This place doesn't exist." Also, on March 9, 2008, this was renamed from "fighting robots" to "robots on the space station" --Baltar 01:03, 10 March 2008 (MST)

gunboats on day 2?

I didn't get any robotic gunboats on day 2. I check above, and I see Tarwix didn't get any either. For now I'm removing them from the day 2 encounters, unless someone can show otherwise.--Muhandes 21:36, 6 June 2009 (UTC)


On day 1 and 2 I got about 70 XP. On day 3 ~111-119. Stats 35/101/42. Sadly I didn't write exactly. I had 5% XP bonus --Muhandes 21:28, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

a small amount of scaling spading input at level 30 1142hp str:312, int:253, ref:385 362pp lvl30 816819xp I'm getting things like

ex: 271 from the crawler and its doing 23 + 23 (sonic) damage.

or ex2: robotic gunboat doing . It hits you for 21 + 62 (fire) damage. giving 280xp

or ex3: lanky robot t hits you for 12 + 36 (fire) damage. 296xp The Gannet

Number of robots between adventures on day 4

This is my experience:

Share your experience.--Muhandes 22:57, 8 June 2009 (UTC)

Drop Spadings

I recorded these across retcons, and deliberately escaped some foes in order to get even amounts of all bots.

  • Lanky robots - 281
titanium plating - 99
fusion pack - 25
enerbun - 33

  • Treaded robots - 284
titanium plating - 88
fusion pack - 29
enerbun - 38

  • Robotic crawler - 282
plasteel plating - 46 -> 16.3 ± 4.4%
enerbun - 100 -> 35.5 ± 5.7%

  • Robotic gunboat - 277
plasteel plating - 64 -> 23.1 ± 5.1%
0 - 123
1 - 126
2 - 28

Which totals 1124 fights.
Each station opening presents us with 15+25+35= 75 robots in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of the invasion.
This means that I missed recording 1 of them, since 1125/75=15 openings.

Only after a few runs did I notice that for the lanky and treaded robots the fusion pack only drops in the first day, being replaced in the following days by enerbun.
This would have screwed over my spadings if these 2 bots data weren't so alike and if they weren't the only bots on day 1.
Therefore I'll merge their data, resulting in the following:

  • Lanky+ Treaded robots - 565
titanium plating - 187 ->33.1 ± 4%
fusion pack - 54
enerbun - 71

Since it took 15 openings, that means 15*15= 225 of these were fought on day 1, which results in a fusion pack drop rate of 24 ± 5.7%.
The remaining 340 were fought on day 2 and 3, and therefore the enerbun drop rate for these bots is 20.9 ± 4.4%

Regarding enerbun drop rates for robotic gunboats:

(table stolen from here):

No drops One drop Two drops
Observed 43.6 ± 5.3% 45 ± 5.3% 11.4 ± 3.4%
Predicted (35%) 42.25% 45.5% 12.25%

And 35% fits the data remarkably well, considering how small my sample is. Let me know if you disagree with my analysis. Patojonas (talk) 09:18, 22 December 2012 (PST)

Updated the table with 74 new adventures, if anything, values seem to get closer to the theoretical values. Patojonas 08:01, 18 August 2013 (PDT)