Satchel of independence

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Revision as of 19:32, 1 July 2014 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (some drops, 5 total observed)
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Item Number: 2257
Description ID: 82243597
(view in-game)

satchel of independence
Plural: Unknown
They may take our lives, but they will never take... our satchels!

There's, like, 250 countries out there. Chances are, at least one of them is celebrating an independence day today. And if not, well, everyone still loves fireworks, right? Especially in the middle of the night!

This little doctor's bag looking thing (remember those?) is full of all sorts of fun explosives that can be used to celebrate any independence day you like. Or, I suppose, you could use the toys inside to really ruin some villain's day. Just try to keep from blowing your fingers off, okay?

July 2014 Item of the Month

Item cannot be auto-sold
Item cannot be worn in runs with a 'no pulls' restriction

+20% combat-usable item drops
+10% damage from combat items
Filled with fireworks from a bunch of independence days

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars

When Used

First time each day:

There are supplies from a lot of independence days in here. You sort out a few and give the rest to children, because nobody would give fireworks this aweso... err, dangerous to children.

Subsequent times:

You've already celebrated an independence day today. There are a lot of countries out there, but not that many.


  • When bought: The shopkeeper sends your 10 silver stars spinning through the store like ten beautiful fireworks, then carefully collects them and hands you a bag filled with actual fireworks. Score!

Item of the Month
Preceded by
master's yo-yo
July 2014
satchel of independence
Succeeded by