Chips Drop modifiers

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Revision as of 14:27, 13 March 2008 by Baltar (talk | contribs) (adding plastiscanner)

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Item Equipment Type Level Required Chips percentage Obtain
Louie Baton bag Accessory 1 1% Buy at Black Market when available
Roderick's Boots Boots N/A 10% from The Wok of Stars in January 2008, no longer available (also +5 Reflexes, grants wearer the ability for super jumps, provides +10% Reflexes if worn in conjunction with Roderick's Gloves)
Royal crown Helmet 8 5% Cube Theater
long arm of the law Melee weapon 6 5% The Docks
oculum felis Offhand item 9 5% A renegade robot hive
plastiscanner Offhand item 12 10% Row-Bot Base
sarge lack Offhand item 2 3% Dank and Rusty Maze
longbow of the law Ranged weapon 5 5% Combine taut sinew and long arm of the law
Ebon Eye of the Deep Talisman 1 -20% Porcelain Bay (also +5% of weapon damage returned as PP, +15 spell damage)
Ultimate Aviator Goggles Talisman 1 10% flying above Twilight (also +2 PP per turn, grants wearer the ability to fly, -5% item drops)

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