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This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
Needs relationship between level and number of allowable concurrent auras.

Auras can only be cast by Psions on themselves. Their default duration is 30 minutes, which can be increased by wearing items that increase aura duration. These include Intellectual Headband (+10%) or Orb of Insight (+20%).

Much like normal buffs, auras can be shaken off via the character sheet.

The number of concurrent auras depends on the level. If you try to cast an aura when you already have the maximum number of auras running you get the error message:

You already have as many auras active as you can handle at your level.

The number of concurrent auras allowed is:

Level Number of auras
1-7 1

Pages in category "Auras"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.