Heavy Industry District

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Heavy industry and other undesirable activities have mostly been pushed to the north side of Twilight, on the edge of the desert. Besides manufacturing, the area contains the infamous Shiloh Sanatarium. As much jail and fortress as mental institution, the Sanatarium is located on an island in the middle of the river and houses numerous captured super villains or fallen superheroes. Also troubling this area is a robotic hive which has broken free from human control and threatens the surrounding area. Where do you want to go?


A renegade robot hive

Elco Hoist Labs
(opens during level 10 quest)

Shiloh Sanatarium

Triassic Park and Bestiary

The Farthest Reaches of Insanity
(with dreamer's clock equipped)


Lost & Foundry

League of Self Promoters
(unlocked for heroes whose Reputation is Just, Judicious, and Vigilante.)

Invisible Store



Somerset Square

University Heights

Seedy Casinos


Downtown Twilight

Heavy Industry District

Out in the Desert

(Jekyll and) Hyde Park

Up in the Mountains
