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Vegetables are one of the three consumables in Twilight Heroes, the others being Caffeine and Sugar. Consuming a vegetable increases your stats.

You may consume a number of vegetables equal to your level. Trying to consume more will get you the message:

A real hero eats their vegetables, but you're not quite up to this one. Maybe a higher level hero would have that self control, but you're not that hero... yet.

Trying to multi-use too many vegetables will get you the message:

A real hero eats their vegetables, but you're not up to quite this many. Maybe a higher level hero could handle all X, but you're not that hero... yet.

Summary Table

Item Benefit Requirement Notes
bowl of greens +2 HP
cafeteria cauliflower +2 Intellect Level 8
futuristic vegetable paste +2 Reflexes Level 8
heirloom carrot +10 HP
heirloom tomato +10 PP
iceberg lettuce Increases bonus ice
damage from Cool as Ice.
pick cheese Varies If gray sand is used, adds 1 point to chosen stat chosen
Otherwise, adds ? HP
potatopotato +1 Skill Point to Disguise Foe Not consumed if already at 10 SP, or without the skill
triassic turnip +2 Strength Level 8
watercress +2 PP