Talk:Computer Friend

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Revision as of 19:23, 7 January 2015 by Patojonas (talk | contribs)
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Cristiona was seen wearing it. Being all techy and all I'd say the robot hive?
On the other hand the fake version is called bug buddy and this one mentions mutations so perhaps Outskirts of Area 54? Then again i believe the description references a paranoia game so might be a coincidence. Patojonas 08:29, 25 June 2014 (PDT)

Dresden's alt "Cinder" has 4 of these in his shop, in addition to 48x Static's Shield and 194 electronic computers. Static's shield only drops in City of Lost Robots, and the parts for that many electronic computers also can only exist in the City of Lost Robots. Should be obvious, huh? --Penguinpyro (talk) 14:38, 6 January 2015 (PST)

Going by theme isn't a bad idea, but the theme might not be right. Cristiona (talk) 20:28, 6 January 2015 (PST)

Anyways, what I am trying to say that Cinder clearly has been spending all his time in the city of lost robots, and has a whopping 4 spare computer friends. Not exactly coincidence... --Penguinpyro (talk) 23:02, 6 January 2015 (PST)
Don't read too much into that. Cinder has been my electronic computer farmer/seller for several years. Since the computer changes mean they don't disappear after retcon anymore, I just have a huge stockpile to sell. --Harry Dresden (talk) 10:47, 7 January 2015 (PST)

Going by zones, the ones that don't have an UR are the Casino, Industry (considering insanity as part of the clock zone) and the Mountains. My alts have been spending their time in the robot hive but haven't found one so far. Since so many people pass in the casino areas during retcon one would expect them to have found it by now and the mountains are where most people farm so either I'm really unlucky or everyone else has been like that to. That or there's a zone with 2 UR.. in any case it seems odd to find this anywhere else other than techy zones.... Patojonas 11:23, 7 January 2015 (PST)