Body fuel tank

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Item Number: 1486
Description ID: 4901278
(view in-game)

body fuel tank
Plural: body fuel tanks
This is a canister of flavored water (the flavor's mostly just color, sugar substitute, and some electrolytes, but who's counting, right?) put in something themed vaguely like a gas tank and tagged with the phrase "body fuel." Seems funny to call a calorie-free beverage fuel, but who am I to argue?

Comes from January 2011 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 20

How Obtained


When Used

You pour the fuel into your fuel tank. (I.e., you drink the beverage.) Your octane rating goes up by X PP.

Using multiple:
You pour the fuel into your fuel tank. (I.e., you drink the beverages.) Your octane rating goes up by some PP.

Although this item has a proper auto-sell value, it cannot be recyclonized, digitized, fed to the goats, or deplicated.


  • X is round(0.1*maxPP) ±3PP with a minimum of 40PP and a maximum of 100PP.
