Lost phone

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Item Number: 375
Description ID: 3313735
(view in-game)

lost phone
Plural: lost phones
You'd fire this thing up, but the battery's dead and you don't have an appropriate adapter for it, so you don't have any way to figure out what the number is, or who it belongs to. There's something spooky about a lost phone, anyway. It makes you wonder if the owner is also lost. Like if, once you turned it on, Amelia Earhart might call. Or Jimmy Hoffa. Or the crew of the Flying Dutchman. Wouldn't that be creepy?

Comes from February 2008 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 5

How Obtained

Using a Pouch of Many Lost Things or its derivatives.

When Used

You pull out your long-lost cell phone. Hey, it's still got pre-paid minutes on it! What luck! Time to start calling some friends and family. With these superhero nights, you're probably on at least a couple of people's blacklists for never calling. You get an effect, In Communicado. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple: Same as single use

When Returned through [return to owner]

You find <receiver> and hand over the lost cell phone. There is much rejoicing. Yay. You buff <receiver> with In Communicado.

You feel really good about giving back that lost item. The smile on <receiver's> face just made your day. It gives you a nice, warm feeling. You get an effect, Toasty Heart. (Added for 30 minutes.)

Trying to return the item to yourself:
You start to return this lost item to yourself, but then you realize: this is not your beautiful house, this is not your beautiful lost item. By definition, if it's in your possession and it's lost, then it can't belong to you. Thus you can't return it to yourself, or it wouldn't be lost. Ergo, lost items must be returned to other people, who, by definition, are the only ones for whom this lost item might become found. Comprende?

Effect on Receiver:

<sender> has buffed you with In Communicado.
You pull out your long-lost cell phone. Hey, it's still got pre-paid minutes on it! What luck! Time to start calling some friends and family. With these superhero nights, you're probably on at least a couple of people's blacklists for never calling. You get an effect, In Communicado. (Added for 60 minutes.)
You're pleased someone would return your lost belongings instead of selling it on eBay. Your whole heart feels full and warm: ventricles, atria, cockles, and all. (Added for 15 minutes.)

Gives effect: Toasty Heart

Pouch of Many Lost Things
Pouch of Several Lost Things | Pouch of Few Lost Things | Pouch of a Couple Lost Things | Pouch of One Lost Thing | Pouch of No Lost Things
Item When Returned Effect
lost sock Sockin' it to 'Em +10 melee damage
lost remote control long-lost remote control Restores full HP and 1/4 PP when resting
lost toy Waxing Nostalgic 4% of weapon damage returned as PP
lost phone In Communicado +5 XP/turn
lost soul Tangled Up in Two +2% chance of weapon fumbles
+5 damage absorption
+25% psychic resistance
lost wallet Strong Sense of Self +10% to all stats
lost keys Life in the Song of Keys +8% item drops