Summoning cone

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Item Number: 746
Description ID: 4785552
(view in-game)

summoning cone
Plural: summoning cones
You thought this was a cone of summoning, didn't you? Well, you're wrong. It's actually a little box that summons a cone. Why would you want a cone? Well, because that cone's a good ten feet tall and sentient!

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 15
Autosell value: 150

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

The Ancient Crypts‎

Using a Shining Trapezohedron (0-3)

When Used

You press the button on the cube and a large cone-shaped creature slides up next to you, taking the device from you. It peers at you with its bulbous eyes and nods, understanding your quest.

You gained a companion: Yith for 240 minutes

Using multiple:
You press the buttons on the cubes and a large cone-shaped creature slides up next to you, taking the devices from you. It peers at you with its bulbous eyes and nods, understanding your quest.

You gained a companion: Yith for some minutes


  • Prior to the sidekick/companion split on 27 November 2014, messages when summoning were:
    • Without a companion:
      You press the button on the cube and a large cone-shaped creature slides up next to you, taking the device from you. It peers at you with its bulbous eyes and nods, understanding your quest. (Duration: 240 minutes.)
    • With Yith as the current companion:
      You hold up another cube, and the Yithian takes it from you with a taloned hand. It nods again, wordlessly agreeing to stick around longer.
    • With another companion active:
      You think about summoning a Yithian, but you don't want to hurt your current sidekick's feelings.
    • Multi-using without a companion:
      You press the buttons on the cubes and a large cone-shaped creature slides up next to you, taking the devices from you. It peers at you with its bulbous eyes and nods, understanding your quest. (Duration: some minutes.)
    • Multi-using with Yith as the current companion:
      You hold up more cubes, and the Yithian takes it[sic] from you with a taloned hand. It nods again, wordlessly agreeing to stick around longer.
Although this item has a proper auto-sell value, it cannot be recyclonized, digitized, fed to the goats, or deplicated.