Talk:Gwneuthurwr Deganau's hunllef puzzle

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Right before you have to fight, you manage to solve one side of the puzzle. It glows a warm, bloody crimson. Drat! During the fight the hunllef puzzle has reverted itself to its original scrambled state. Or possibly some other equally useless state. It's not really possibly to tell, honestly. Still, the warm crimson light from the cube seems to have healed you while you were fighting. Funny how you're only noticing just now. You gain 30 HP.

Just before the fight, you catch on to the pattern and snap all of the sky blue pieces together into one side. It's a pretty, contemplative blue. The kind you could watch all day from your porch. Drat! During the fight the hunllef puzzle has reverted itself to its original scrambled state. Or possibly some other equally useless state. It's not really possibly to tell, honestly. Even though you didn't really notice until it was gone, that sky blue glow from the cube was truly beautiful. You pause a moment to contemplate it. You gain 10 XP.

All the lines fall into place, and you're richly rewarded with a solid golden yellow face on the cube. Nice.

Not to be distracted from your puzzle-solving by something as mundane as a fight, you take a final moment to compile all the tangerine colored pieces. It puts off a caustic aroma that appears to bother your opponent, even though it doesn't really cause you any distress.

With a couple of quick twists, you manage to get all of the frosty snow white squares together, completing that one side. Good job! A chill gathers in the night air.

A deft series of twists lines up all of the green squares on the puzzle. That side of the cube glows with a sickly, stomach-roiling bile green.

Those last four all use Drat! During the fight the hunllef puzzle has reverted itself to its original scrambled state. Or possibly some other equally useless state. It's not really possibly to tell, honestly. --Jesus 04:27, 1 April 2010 (UTC)


A deft series of twists lines up all of the green squares on the puzzle. That side of the cube glows with a sickly, stomach-roiling bile green.

Your opponent becomes slightly dissolved (ew) by your acidic defenses, and takes 20 damage.


Couldn't get that effect, a bug might be involved. As for yellow - I speculate it is +chips from the description, but on the 10 occurrences I got it was never outside the normal range. --Muhandes 09:45, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
On the 20th time - 142 chips from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern--Muhandes 09:53, 25 April 2010 (UTC)

Another end message I got, level 16. Didn't notice what the original color was: As the last of the light from the cube fades, you pause for a moment trying to remember a little bit of the pattern that helped you solve it. Most of that knowledge is gone after the fight, but a little bit has stuck with you. You gain 16 XP. On top of that, the combined light from the cube has left you feeling unusually hale and hearty. That's good stuff. You gain 32 HP. --Muhandes 19:36, 27 April 2010 (UTC)

Noting another fact here. Having Fire Shield for green I once got:

Your opponent is singed by your fiery defenses, and takes 8 damage.

Your opponent becomes slightly dissolved (ew) by your acidic defenses, and takes 8 damage. Your opponent appears to be in pretty bad shape. He pulls back before your defenses cause him critical damage. I'm

This is standard Strike-back damage behavior, but I think for strike back you don't get the damage message. Or do you? I'll have to recheck. --Muhandes 19:55, 27 April 2010 (UTC)

Acid shield:

Level Shield
1 4
2-5 5
6-9 6
10 7
16 8
Cap 20

--Muhandes 12:50, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

On yellow 46 chips from queen of bass suggest at least 15%. --Muhandes 18:48, 28 April 2010 (UTC)