Talk:Somerset Square

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I've gotten all the images except for Computer-screen.jpg, uploading them soon. -Dician 12:20 PM EST

All these locations will need to be reworked after the transportation change. For what it's worth, there's a new location "Twilight Police Department" added to Somerset. It's next to the Wok of Stars, on the right. It seems the text is mostly the same. I'm checking this on a non-leveling character, so someone else will have to figure out when Rand moves Downtown. Cristiona

lvl 1

I was able to access Cannonball Tavern and Slums at lvl 1. Don't know how I achieved it exactly.
I am pretty sure they weren't accessible right away after retconning. I changed my transportation to paradime device, switched talisman to Astral Monkey's Paw Necklace and got Pursuing a Majority Report. After these three actions I could fight in Tavern and Slums at lvl 1. --Shikao 14:16, 16 October 2010 (PDT)

seems like a bug. --Muhandes 15:13, 16 October 2010 (PDT)
Happened again on other char, though I still need to pinpoint the cause. --Shikao 07:36, 17 October 2010 (PDT)
Access can be gained at level 1 by triggering this quest.  Richard H-G 14:20, 28 December 2011 (PST)