Toy soldier (regifted)

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Item Number: 1025
Description ID: 7826912
(view in-game)

toy soldier (regifted)
Plural: fireteams of toy soldiers (regifted)
Toy soldier, not Tin Soldier. Please don't get them confused. This little guy isn't about some hamfisted moral; he's about marching around and looking spiffy. And perhaps a bit of rat killing. It's in the contract.

This particular toy soldier was given to you by your dear and close friend, um, you know what? You can't remember. Still, it was a nice gift.

Comes from December 2009 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

Having someone gifting you a toy soldier

When Used

This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
You set the toy soldier down and wind him up. He starts marching around stiffly, holding his rifle at the ready. (Duration: 60 minutes.)
You wind up another soldier, but all it does is further wind the original. Luckily, the spring doesn't break.
  • When you have a different companion:
Your current companion suggests that you quit playing with toys and start adventuring.

Sidekick/companion: Toy soldier

Using multiple:
This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
You set the toy soldiers down and wind them up. One starts marching around stiffly, holding his rifle at the ready, while the others spend all their energy keeping the first wound up. (Duration: some minutes.)
You wind up some more soldiers, but all they do is further wind the original. Luckily, the spring doesn't break.


Although this item has a proper auto-sell value, it cannot be recyclonized, digitized, fed to the goats, or deplicated.


The Grouch's Sack of Loot (full)
The Grouch's Sack of Loot (empty)
Item Effect
candy cane
candy cane (regifted)
+20-27 minutes / 2 sugar
eggnog (regifted)
Restores 40 PP
fruitcake (regifted)
Combat Item
gingerbread man
gingerbread man (regifted)
Gingerbread man (companion)
Blocks foes
+10 foe toughness
gumdrop (regifted)
+11-15 minutes / 1 sugar
holiday wreath
holiday wreath (regifted)
Combat Item
Stuns for 3 rounds
roast beast
roast beast (regifted)
Restores 80 HP
Toy soldier
Toy soldier (regifted)
Toy soldier (sidekick)
Attacks foes