Rusty brick

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Item Number: 604
Description ID: 7181961
(view in-game)

rusty brick
Plural: rusty bricks
This is a brick-shaped hunk of rusted metal. Just like you, it's very dense. Okay, sorry, I take that back. Just like you, it's covered in tetanus. Better?

Comes from December 2008 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 30

How Obtained


When Used

You try to pick up the rusty brick, but since it's made of heavy metal ("bwaaah bwaaah") it turns out to be far more dense, and thus heavier, than you expected. Your heroic strength would be up to the challenge, but you're caught by surprise and simply drop the brick before you catch on. Naturally, it lands on your toe. Your clumsiness makes you really, really mad at yourself. Of course you can't hit yourself, so you just get mad at everything else. You get an effect, Smoldering with Fury. (Added for 90 minutes.)

Using multiple:
You try to pick up the rusty bricks, but accidentally a whole pile of them[sic] over onto your foot. They are very heavy, and it hurts a lot. Your clumsiness makes you really, really mad at yourself. Of course you can't hit yourself, so you just get mad at everything else. You get an effect, Smoldering with Fury. (Added for some minutes.)

Although this item has a proper auto-sell value, it cannot be recyclonized, digitized, fed to the goats, or deplicated.
