Thunder in a Bottle

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Item Number: 143
Description ID: 2388932
(view in-game)

Thunder in a Bottle
Plural: Unknown; currently impossible to determine
To get a Bottle of Thunder, you first have to start with clouds in your pocket and a bag full of rain. Then some uninvited stranger has to go for a trade. This thing's got more than enough power to kick over a fishtank and make the neighbors call the cops.

Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold
Using skills costs -2 PP
+10% to your maximum Power Points
-3 Melee damage

How Obtained

Zion's Tears building

Schrodinger's Box Swedish Navy Wrench
Thunder in a Bottle

Other Uses


Reward for completing the Don't Cry for Me, Zion-tina quest as an Elemental.

See Also