Castle Hundenswein

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Revision as of 16:30, 25 June 2009 by Alarion (talk | contribs) (added proper ingots)
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(Back to Up in the Mountains)

Combat Adventures


Item Drops: None

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 200

Health: ~193 (<220)


Item Drops: low pill, golden powder, lion pill, xentrium ingot

Chip Drops: <275

Experience Gained: 225

Health: ???


Item Drops: irrhodium socket set, clockwork core, irrhodium gauntlets

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 240

Health: >200

castle guard

Item Drops: stroopwafel, irrhodium helm, xentrium crossbow

Chip Drops: <261

Experience Gained: 215

Health: ~247 (<264)

castle guard, redux

Item Drops: xentrium axe, stroopwafel, irrhodium plate

Chip Drops: <279

Experience Gained: 235

Health: ???


Item Drops: russet lump, low pill, furry pill, xentrium ingot

Chip Drops: 243

Experience Gained: 210

Health: ???

Notes: One possible result of Forgot to Mention the Crystal Skulls

clockwork beetle

Item Drops: clockwork core

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 205

Health: ???

clockwork mishmash

Item Drops: clockwork core

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 230

Health: ???

mining machinery

Item Drops: russet lump, golden powder, black flakes, green residue, greyish scobs

Chip Drops: 0

Experience Gained: 220

Health: ~256 (<278)

Noncombat Choice Adventures

Behind Door Number Three ...
  • Grab the nearest box: black flakes
  • Investigate the shelves on the right: green residue
  • Check out the experimental equipment on the left: greyish scobs
  • Forget the store room and go find something more interesting: Skips adventure at no cost to time

Forgot to Mention the Crystal Skulls


  • Hundenswein is a play on the game Castle Wolfenstein. Specifically, "hunden" meaning hound, which is similar to a wolf, and "wein" means "wine", which could be served in a "stein" (if you were gauche), and which also sounds like "stein".
  • It is also a play on "Schweinehund", a somewhat old fashioned (and not very vulgar) German insult, which the guards in Csatle Wolfenstein would shout when alerted to your presence.