Big Earl's Big Oil Derrick

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Revision as of 09:24, 15 November 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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Big Earl's Big Oil Derrick
Location: Bayside
Unlocks: when you get the Go Fish, Again quest
Combat %: unknown
Foe XP range: unspecified
ID: 40

Combat Adventures

Pax Verde commando

Item Drops: camouflage dungarees, coil of rope, unleaded pipe

Chip Drops: 57-91

Experience Gained: 73

Pax Verde operative

Item Drops: camouflage dungarees, squawking radio, unleaded pipe

Chip Drops: 54-89

Experience Gained: 71

Pax Verde squad captain

Item Drops: Pax Verde life-time membership card, unleaded pipe

Chip Drops: 63-94

Experience Gained: 75

Non-combat Adventures

Aio, Quantitas Magna Frumentorum Est
  • Rescue the worker: 10-30 chips, 45-55 XP
  • Grab that bomber!: 90-110 XP

He's Got a Ticket To Ride

One-time Adventures

Life On The Big Rig

Notes: occurs first time you visit the area

Waterline Arsenal Roundabout

Notes: opens Underwater Base

Static Villains

Big Earl

Item Drops: Big Earl's suspenders
