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Revision as of 14:02, 13 January 2008 by Valera (talk | contribs)

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Time to jump onto the bandwagon. Iunno what to say here, but here goes...

Characters: Valera [#8032], Herself [#8912],
I belong to: Over [#9000] (Yes, he wanted the account.)
Gender: Female
Goal: Unknown. Simply to be. To Templatize the wiki.
Personality: 41% heart, 41% spade, 18% diamond, 0% club. Intolerant of stupidity, sarcastic, enjoys drama. Dislikes people as a whole.
Notable Accomplishments: Eh? Nothing really.
Notes: Breaking Chat bots, one by one.
Apparently stalked by Malk-a-mite.

How to obtain IDs

A) Through a listbox source. Assemble, Weld, Send Message, Combat Items, Combat Skills, Buff Skills, Noncombat Skills are all candidates.
B) Through Wear Item source. Every equippable item will have a line of wear.php?equip=###&pwd=Blahblahblah. The equip # is the item ID. The pwd is for session checking. [May work for things that the above don't work. IE: Ham Banner] Also. Use Item source. use.php?which=###&pwd=blahblahblah. [May be useful to determine for non-tradable consumable items.]
C) Sell item source. Works same way as a listbox, just it's a combobox [or did I get the two confused, and otherway around? Eh, who cares].
D) Auction House. To be exact, the link to each item is.. auctions-itemlist.php?itemID=### Really, if you have to ask what the item ID is at that point, there's no helping you. [May work for very expensive items that only a few exist, and are in the AH]

Spading Information

Below will be listed a growing list of encounters + item drops from the encounters, with no +item% chance or buffs on. A rough % will be calculated after I obtain 100 of a creature, but will be somewhat inaccurate until a rough encounter rate of 10K has been achieved.

Your neighborhood
85 thug - 20 hammer, 14 baseball bat [?-4-7-? chips] [?-5-? exp] [hp <= 4]
92 pickpocket - 18 sneakers, 18 baseball [?-16-25-? chips] [?-4-? exp] [hp <= 4]
107 big thug - 7 knife [6.54%], 14 leather glove[13.08%], 30 badly bent knife [28.03%] [?-6-9-? chips] [?-7-? exp] [ 6 < hp <= 8] hp = 7