Multivac Computation, Inc.

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Multivac Computation, Inc.
Location: Somerset Square
Unlocks: Gadgeteer

"Can I help you?" asks a very busy looking man as he barely glances up from his keyboard. Then he looks again and takes in your computer watch and top-notch toolkit. "Those are the calling cards of a true gadgeteer, aren't they?" You nod, and he leaves the computer to come over and say hi. "Nice to meet you. James Isaac, at your service. Actually, I'm in the middle of some pretty intense coding at the moment. Still, if you'd like to have ol' Multivac here answer a question for you, my rates are cheap, for another member of the trade."

You can either pay for the computer's advice in chips, or pitch in for a couple of minutes to earn a few suggestions.

  • Pay 20 chips
  • Spend 2 minutes doing chores
Give Me a Hint

After completing Rejected Rogue Ranch Rascals Require Retribution, if you have an item that drops in Rejected Rogue Ranch in your inventory:

James looks over the items you've brought him, "You know, I've been working on a machine that will recombine items by shuffling their molecules around. These things look like they'd be perfect for testing it out. Whattaya say?"

This is followed by an inventory of the items you have. If no item can be exchanged:

Sadly, James doesn't know how to do anything with just the items you've got.

Otherwise, a list of items is displayed. When you exchange items you get:

James takes the components and gives you something in return.

See hint giver for item details.



  • Multivac is a fictional supercomputer in many stories by Isaac Asimov. "James Isaac" is most likely a reference to Asimov himself.