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02-18-08 Just a friendly note -- if you send me a message via the contact form, please, please make sure your email address works. There are a couple of people out there who forgot their passwords, but I can't contact you because your email address isn't working.
02-17-08 The chat channels have been condensed. Channel 1 is Newbie, Fun, and Games. So that's great for asking basic questions, and for goofing around. Channel 2 is Gameplay and Trade. That's for more game-related conversations, spoilers, and financial transactions.
02-16-08 One more summoning item has been added to the Pouch of Lost Things. This won't be a regular occurrence, just something I'd been meaning to put in.
01-12-08 - The new wiki is stable and there are very few Wiki News updates. Can we use this area for something else? talk page
01-07-08 - As a result of some vandalism problems, registration is now required to edit.
12-11-07 - The wiki has been released!