
From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 16:20, 21 February 2013 by Sena (talk | contribs) (More spading scripts. Even if some are too overly-specific to really be useful, they can be used as a sort of template if anyone wants to spade similar things.)

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What Are GM Scripts?

You can use Greasemonkey scripts in Firefox if you have the Greasemonkey add on.

Definition of Greasemonkey: Wikipedia "... Greasemonkey is an add-on to Firefox that allows "scripts" to be run on selected webpages, to alter the way they are displayed."

Top Pane scripts

Side Pane scrips

  • TH_XP Status v2 (by Questionário, based on Chathzzar) - Changes the XP text to a Graphical Status Bar (to Level 1000). not up to date
  • TH HP_PP Status (by Heather Robinson, based on Chathzzar) - Changes the HP and PP text to a Graphical Status Bar. Working version posted by Satan here
  • NL's Re-buff Script (by NardoLoopa) - recast buffs on your nav pane by clicking on the arrow. HP rebuff only casts MedKit. Make sure to go to the skills page and refresh the nav pane if the arrow is unresponsive.

Inventory/Items/MD scripts

Adventuring scripts

Mall scripts

  • Market alert (by Satan) - Scans prices on your shop management page, alerts you if any of your prices are higher than market, and highlights those prices in red.
  • Store price (by Satan) - Calculates the total cost of your store inventory, if every item in your store was purchased, and displays it on the page. Additionally, if you view another players shop, it can calculate and display their store cost as well. Also can calculate your store profits from the sales page.

Spading scripts

None of these are very user-friendly at the moment, and require manually checking about:config to see the recorded data.

  • TH Drop Tracking (by Sena) - Tracks item drops (ignoring items dropped due to drop chance modifiers) for spading drop chances.
  • TH Exp/Chips Tracking (by Sena) - Tracks the highest and lowest values seen for each enemy, for finding the ranges.
  • TH Eskrima Tracking (by Sena) - Tracks the different attacks from the Eskrima master sidekick, in order to find the chances at each level.
  • TH Spelunking Tracking (by Sena) - Tracks the adventures and gems found while spelunking, to find the base chances and the effect of nonseizium gear.

General/Other scripts

Obsolete/Not Working/Lost

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