Talk:Master Zyx

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When defeated, the foe drops 6 random items from the other disguised foes (imp teacup, yeti yurt, etc). Also, you get a random avatar. If you already have the avatar, you get "You also find a tattered killer x-ray costume, but you already have that one." Sanjuro (talk) 23:46, 25 November 2013 (PST)

I think that's up to six random items. Pretty sure I don't always get six, but I'll pay more attention now. Cristiona (talk) 20:58, 26 November 2013 (PST)
Yup. Up to. Just beat him and got 1 x-ray film, 1 zombites, 1 potatopotato, and an avatar. However, all three were "you got an item". So it's possibly 3 assured (I don't ever remember getting less than 3) and then 3 more with (possibly) decreasing odds. Cristiona (talk) 21:11, 26 November 2013 (PST)
Yesterday I got 6 and today only 4, all with the you got an item message. Maybe the number of drops is also random liked the item, but when it sorts 4 all 4 have a 100% chance? I'll try to work out the notes section on the template when I have the time to make these things clear. It'd help loads if people reported how many drops they get when facing it, spading this foe will either be a team effort or just not be done lol Patojonas 17:06, 27 November 2013 (PST)
Cris has noted that the haunted umbrella avatar is different from the foe image. I also got the haunted umbrella avatar today. Sanjuro (talk) 21:23, 28 November 2013 (PST)

I'm wondering if the drops aren't weird. I'm not maxing drops by any means, but I've got a full level smuggler and I'm getting pretty lame drops. Also, all of our recordings have been "got". All mine today were got even when they probably shouldn't have been. I wondering if it's taking something else into account; for instance, my Master Zyx kills have all been with combat items. Cristiona (talk) 20:44, 30 November 2013 (PST)

Which foes are you disguising to get here?

Here's what I hunt for each letter:

A/N ->Fiendish pit, 100% chance of A foe
B/O ->Mouths of Darkness, ~28% chance of O foe. (Cannonball tavern, 33%(?) chance of B foe, depending on which foes you have there.)
C/P ->Big Earl's Big Oil Derrick, ~75% chance of P foe.
D/Q ->Shiloh, ~35% chance of D foe.
E/R ->Porcelain Bay, 40% chance of R foe.
F/S ->CTC Instructors, 40% chance of S foe.
G/T ->Slums, 60% chance of G foe.
H/U ->Byzantine Interior, 75% chance of H/U foe.
I/V ->CTC Veterans, 50% chance of V foes.
J/W ->Ark of Anarchy, 25% chance of J foe.
K/X ->Byzantine Interior, 25% chance of K foe.
L/Y ->Zion's Tears building, 54% chance of L foe.
M/Z ->Zion's Tears building, ~34% chance of M foe.

These values take combat chances in consideration. Anyone got a better alternative for any of these? Patojonas 17:06, 27 November 2013 (PST)

I hit the Ark for H/U and Zion for M/Z. Cristiona (talk) 21:18, 27 November 2013 (PST)

Also, Big Earl's Big Oil Rig is 100% for C/P (disregarding combat mods).Cristiona (talk) 21:21, 27 November 2013 (PST)

I just replaced those you propose that had a better chance. Just noticed I forgot the hunter-killer in the byzantine interior, which makes it a 75% chance. This list helps :P Patojonas 06:26, 28 November 2013 (PST)

Depending on which Cannonball cycle you're on, it may be the place to go for B/O; Brawling Drunkard and Blasted Loader. Cristiona (talk) 20:32, 29 November 2013 (PST)

Recording Drops

Cris: 4: two yurts, 1 fetch quest, 1 film; all "got"

3: fur, sheet, ghost; all "got"
4: 2 fur, teacup, extra shadow; all "got"
3: umbrella ghost, rainbow shard, carriage; all "got"

Pato: 4:quest, carriage, shadow, star, all with "got"

4: zombite, potato, sheet, quest, all with "got"
4: umbrella, teacup, 2 zombites, all with "got"

Sanjuro: 6: fur, zombites, potatopotato, yurt, x-ray film, teacup, all with "got"

6: 2 carriages, 2 potatopotatoes, throwing star, yurt, all "got"

Trog: 4: yurt, potatopotato, and 2 zombites also all with "got". I also got an avatar that I already had so no drop there :-(