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Twilight Heroes is in early beta; information is subject to change.

Game Basics
Gear and Equipment
City of Twilight
Game Updates

03-19-08 Being sick sucks. Unfortunately, that's the only update I have. Happy spring everyone.

03-15-08 The to-hit and damage benefits of Charge of the Bovine and Trample of the Rhino have been improved. Also, fixed an oversight where a new choice adventure was firing 80% of the time when it should have been occurring MUCH less often.

03-13-08 The words "Last Area Patrolled" now often link to the map which contains the zone you last patrolled. It may be a little quirky for a few days.


Wiki News

02-26-08 - The wiki now has a forum for itself. Thanks Olaf!

01-12-08 - The new wiki is stable and there are very few Wiki News updates. Can we use this area for something else? talk page

01-07-08 - As a result of some vandalism problems, registration is now required to edit.

12-11-07 - The wiki has been released!


Help Build the Wiki

There are currently 4,149 articles and 3,914 images.
See...Recent changes | New pages

If you want to help out please keep an eye on the links below, it's much appreciated.

Pages to Create, Templates
   use templates for standardization

Orphaned Pages, Unused Images
   where is the love?

Pages Under Construction, Dead-end Pages, Uncategorized Pages
  these may need work

Feature Requests
  Have the wiki working the way you want it to.

Wiki Users
  Need to find a User, look here.