Offhand Items Summary Table

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Revision as of 03:10, 1 March 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (Marty's)

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Item Power Level Required Autosell Value Notes
Aegis Flux Incapacitor 30 1 NA Can discharge elemental attacks after charging for a couple rounds
1 x your level damage absorption (capped at 20)
+20% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
Attacker takes 5 damage
+20 to maximum HP
ball of fire NA NA 20 +3 spell damage
ball of wax NA NA 20 +3 HP per turn
blunt sai NA NA 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+2 PvP parry defense
bowl of oil NA NA 20
brick wall 39 9 145 +10 Damage Absorption
-33% Strength
carapace shield 16 4 45 +1 Damage Absorption
coil of rope NA NA 86 +7 increased foe toughness.
deterministic coin NA 6 80 +10 to Initiative
diamond NA NA 1500 Usable
+1 Strength
+1 Intellect
+1 Reflexes
duct tape NA 6 80 +4% Item Drops
enerbun sphere NA 12 720 +20 spell damage
extremely large shield 23 6 150 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+4 PvP block defense
-2 PvP parry defense
filthy sock puppet NA NA NA No weapon fumbles, ever.
+15 increased foe toughness.
+10% Strength
flashlight NA 1 5 +5% Item Drops
fullerene NA NA 20 Usable
+10 to maximum HP
+10 to maximum PP
glob of tar NA NA 20 +6 to hit
golden apple NA 4 160 Slightly increased chance of critical hits.
graphite chalk NA 1 20 Usable.
+2 XP per combat
harbor pearl NA 5 50 Grants Wearer Ability to Breathe Underwater
hot charcoal NA NA 20 Usable
+2 PP per turn
hot potato NA 11 190 +10% Reflexes
irrhodium socket set NA 14 306
isinglass orb NA 4 55 +6 Spell Damage
isotope meter NA 12 NA +10% item drops
lump of coal NA NA 20 Usable
Marty Crouch's magic chest NA NA NA Usable
Summons 7-11 "magic trick" combat items per day.
+5% spell damage
Marty Crouch's magic chest (empty) NA NA NA Summons 7-11 "magic trick" combat items per day.
+5% spell damage
oculum felis NA 9 170 +5% Chips
oil paints NA NA 20 +2 XP per combat
plasteel shield 36 10 135
plastiscanner NA 12 NA +10% chips
pocket van de graf generator NA 3 40 +2 Electric Damage
remainder cell phone NA 1 35 +13% XP Per Combat
+30 Seconds Per Turn
riot shield 3 1 5
roboto shield 43 13 233 +20 damage absorption
sarge lack NA 2 20 +3% Chips
shield of Zion 20 5 80 +10% Electric Resistance
+10 Maximum HP
targe vert with human rampant 43 12 246 Increased chance of combat adventures.
titanium shield 11 2 24 +5% Acid Damage Resistance
trilobit NA 11 240 +20 to maximum HP
trilobyte 30 11 320 +20 to maximum HP
+2 HP per turn
weird sculpture NA 1 0 +2 Intellect
white cape NA NA 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+3 PvP dodge defense
+2 dodging ability
white escutcheon 13 2 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+2 PvP block defense
Zorromir's double tower shield 20 NA NA +X damage absorption (1x your level, capped at 20)
Allows you to use a battle cry at the beginning of combat. (Editable through account settings.)
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP when any two items from the set are worn.
+X offense power (+5/level, max: +60) when the full set is worn.

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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