
From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 23:29, 20 December 2007 by Zelandoni (talk | contribs) (New page: A buffbot is a type of bot which offers buffs to other players. Each buff is usually associated with a certain number of chips. ==List of Buffbots== *'''[http://www.twilightheroes.com...)
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A buffbot is a type of bot which offers buffs to other players. Each buff is usually associated with a certain number of chips.

List of Buffbots

  • Mental (#8491) is the first buffbot for Twilight Heroes. It is an Elemental buffbot, and offers all Elemental buffs.
  • Shimrra (#6206) is one of three PFE buffbots. It is a Naturalist, and offers all Naturalist buffs.
  • The Devil (#594822) is one of three PFE buffbots. It is a Psion, and will offer both Psion buffs. It currently offers only Wind Warrior.