Melee Weapons Summary Table

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Item Power Level Required Autosell Value Notes
astral spline 100 9 120 +7 Melee Damage
+10 to Hit
badly bent knife 5 1 1
baseball bat 10 1 5
Bass-O-Matic 77 52 4 60 +4 Melee Damage
bat out of Hell 115 10 180 +10% to hit
big honkin' hammer 65 5 80 -5 to Hit
+8 Electric Damage
big left hook 85 6 72 +5 Strength
brass knuckles 13 1 8
colossal mandible 50 4 50
digital rapier 45 3 56 +10 to Hit
+5 to Initiative
digital saber 55 4 60 +3 Electric Damage
ethereal club 65 5 90 +5% of Weapon Damage Returned as PP
extension cord 10 1 5 +1 Electric Damage
Fighting Club 10 NA NA +X offense power (+10/level, max: 100)
+20% Strength
+10 Melee damage
+5% of weapon damage returned as HP
You do know Jack. Specifically, Jack's physiology.
Gallagher's mallet 110 10 175 +30 Damage to Melons
ham banner 70 6 NA +10 Melee Damage.
Exclusively given to mods.
hammer 10 1 5
hammer time 72 6 130 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+3 Melee damage
handle 38 2 42 No weapon fumbles, ever.
hedge slammer 26 1 16 +3 Strength
icicle 30 2 5 +5 ice damage
knife 7 1 3
lamp post 98 8 145 +10 Melee damage
-8 to hit
larchwood staff 85 7 115 +5% Intellect
large knife 15 1 8
lead pipe 20 1 5
long arm of the law 72 6 70 +5% Chips
metaphoric claws 45 3 45
morning star 92 8 130 +5% of Weapon Damage Returned as PP
mourning star 105 9 165 +5% of Weapon Damage Returned as HP
night club 82 7 90 +4 sonic damage
padded axe 40 2 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+2 PvP fierce attack
padded club 40 2 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+2 PvP standard attack
pandimensional scepter 40 3 100 -1 Cost of Combat Spells
+10 Spell Damage
paper machete 23 1 15 +2 Melee Damage
peacekeeping baton 18 1 9 +2 Melee Damage
Quijote's spear 135 13 290 +15 increased foe toughness.
+20 damage to giants
-50% defense against windmills
quill blade 90 12 250 +10 Melee damage
+5% to hit
rapier 42 3 46
saw glove 140 12 255 +15 Melee Damage
shattered protest sign 3 1 1
short end of the stick 45 3 42 +3% item drops
smart axe 125 12 255 +8% of Weapon Damage Returned as HP
steel knuckles 25 1 NA
the whole nine yards 83 7 110 +10 Strength
titanium mace 48 3 48
titanium pipe 38 2 32
truepenny blade 85 7 120 +5 to Hit
+5 Melee Damage
ubiquitous chainsaw 30 2 30
unleaded pipe 82 7 108 +8 Strength
wand of compensation 60 5 80 Successful hit weakens opponents
warmaking baton 82 7 104 +4 Melee damage
xentrium axe 150 14 314 +10% to initiative
+10 to hit

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation