Basic info:
In-Game Username: Alyxe
Character ID: #16828
Class: Gadgeteer (started as Gadgeteer, spent time as all the rest and back to the best. -thppt-)
Current Level: 30+
Multis: Deja Vu (collecting Psion), Mirror (wandering Elemental), Rorrim (protesting Naturalist), JetpackCentral (crafty Gadgeteer, supposedly)
Silly Multis How (Gadgeteer), When (Gadgeteer), Why (Psion)
I wanted one, too, because Cristiona is my HEWOINE! -giggle- But I am not dramatic enough, woe is me.
Current Projects
- Collecting eeeeeverything. If you do not see it here in my case and it can be cased.... send me an offer or the item, please? -bats eyelashes- -g- (Formatted specifics stolen from Muhandes below.)
- Languidly leveling
- Slowly gaining all of the Merit Badges possible.
Merit badges:
Badges gained:
Working on:
Round Tuit:
Forever out of reach:
Case Project
Current item count: 487
- All arena items
Go look at Deja Vu's case
These are in the long haul.
Once-ever Occurrence
Again... Deja Vu's case
I have Thunder in a Bottle on all of the alts but just can not case them. -sigh-
Donation items
These, I have... I just need copies for my case. -g-
As I am back to being poor and have not been here all that long, I am missing these.
- Recyclonizer kit
- Aegis Flux Incapacitor
- Amazing Technicolor Dreampants
- Fighting Club
- Hero's Cape
- Plaid couch
- Plaid couch (extremely lumpy)
- Plaid couch (lumpy) (1)
- Plaid couch (lumpy) (2)
- Plaid couch (very lumpy) (3)
- Plaid couch (very lumpy) (4)
- Pouch of a Couple Lost Things
- Pouch of Few Lost Things
- Pouch of Many Lost Things
- Pouch of No Lost Things
- Pouch of One Lost Thing
- Pouch of Several Lost Things
- VHF-1 Exosuit
- empty picture frame
- Picture frame in waiting
- Roderick's Boots
- Roderick's Gloves
No Longer Available
Here are things which are no longer available.
* diamond * fullerene * graphite chalk * hot charcoal
Finally this is just given by admin