Category:Frusion Enemies

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Revision as of 00:55, 27 January 2010 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (More ranges, added Gadget skills)
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Frusion enemies are special enemies that currently exist only in Hyde Park streets.

  • They require EEK meter to be worn.
  • They feed on PP rather than HP. They require between 1 and 99 PP to fight.
  • As these foes are immune to all damage, they only take 1 damage from each damage type.
  • Sidekicks cannot attack or block frusion enemies. Instead you get the message:

Your sidekick can't see your opponent, and just tries to stay out of the way.

  • When a frusion enemy drains you out of PP the fight ends with the following message:

Your opponent finishes off every last bit of energy you possess. You still feel okay, but the frusion creature doesn't seem to have any more interest in you, and fades away. You're going to have to keep your energy levels up if you want to keep the attention of the frusion creatures long enough to defeat them.

The fight is now over, and it's not pretty.

Your opponent seems slightly put off by your defenses, and takes 1 damage.

  • Mind Jab does only 2 damage with a message:

You jab out at your opponent with your mind. There's not much you can reach, and you only deal 2 damage.

You send out a pulse of mental anguish, which mostly washes past your opponent, only dealing 3 damage.

You throw a handful of sparks at your opponent. The sparks don't seem to react with the creature normally, and only do 2-3 damage.

  • Ice Bolt does only 2-4 damage with a message:

You blast your opponent with an ice bolt, but the ice and frusion don't really interact all that much. It does 2-4 damage.

You tap into the earth beneath your opponent's feet and cause it to shake vigorously. Your opponent appears unfazed.

Lightning arcs from your hands through the air, but it sort of whooshes through your opponent instead of doing the normal sizzling and frying. It deals maybe 3-5 damage.

You summon a violent miniature tornado, but it whirls around harmlessly.

  • Firestorm does only 3-6 damage with a message:

You'd think a torrential rain of fire might do something more than slightly singe your opponent, but no. Your enemy takes 3-6 damage.

You spray your opponent with some home-made stun gas, which does little to nothing.

You fling an electrified net on your foe. It completely fails at tangling, but you think the electric part maybe did 2-4 damage.

You toss a home-made shock grenade at your foe. BOOM! Honestly, it's more noise than effect. Your opponent takes 3-4 damage.

  • Naturalist attacks are also ineffective. Instead, you get a regular hit attempt, with a special message
With a bellowing moo you charge your opponent, but it's unimpressed.
Channeling the spirit of the rhinoceros you charge your opponent with the intention of trampling it underfoot, but trampling isn't very effective against pure energy.
With all the power of a titanic, prehistoric bear, you maul your opponent ... which of course means your weapon passes through with minimal effect.