Vincile building

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Revision as of 18:27, 6 April 2010 by Muhandes (talk | contribs)
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NCI Live building
Location: (Jekyll and) Hyde Park
Combat %: unknown
Foe XP range: unspecified
ID: 43

Combat Adventures

catfish lawyer

Item Drops: attache case, chip loafers, legal briefs

Chip Drops: ?-137-?

Experience Gained: 123

intimidating janitor

Item Drops: epic mop

Chip Drops: ?

Experience Gained: 117

hatchet-handed executive

Item Drops: hatchet, off-handed hatchet

Chip Drops: ?-140-?

Experience Gained: 133

maleroom clerk

Item Drops: paper cut gloves, taped glasses, Manly Man energy drink

Chip Drops: ?-120-?

Experience Gained: 115

pointy-haired executive

Item Drops: employee manual

Chip Drops: ?-143-?

Experience Gained: 131

Noncombat Adventures

Shouldn't This Be At the Casino?

  • Experience: 105

Petty Theft
  • Chip Drops: ?-109-?