Talk:Disguise Foe

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Another message, happens on certain class of foes (scaling foes?) after first success on one of them - seen it in reaches of insanity, pinata scouts and villains (i.e. first disguise in reaches of insanity will succeed, but not any more after that):

> To think that you could already top your magnus opus. No, my friend, no.

--XKiv (talk) 05:54, 3 October 2013 (PDT)

In the interest of somewhat reducing clutter, I'll just say there is a pattern to what turns into what. Cristiona (talk) 19:59, 3 October 2013 (PDT)

  • Looks like first letter of foe name, and each disguise is for two letters (so far found) - and those letters are the two beginning letters of the disguised foe name (everything starting with U or H turns into Haunted Umbrella) --XKiv (talk) 04:58, 4 October 2013 (PDT)
  • Confirmed by finding disguises that I didn't know about before, and by disproving "non-grumpy s7g robot" for frightful shadow (crawler turned into cute pumpkin, etc ...); for bonus points, the starting letters of the disguises are ROT13 of each other:

alien ninja
black ocelot
cute pumpkin
deranged quester
evil rainbow
frightful shadow
ghostly tyranosaurus
haunted umbrella
impish villain
jowly werewolf
killer x-ray
laughing yeti
menacing zombie
--XKiv (talk)
The disguised foe pages say that XP values are the same as the original foe, but I was getting around 300 XP for disguised thugs and pickpockets, about the same XP as villains. This makes me think that disguised foes scale like villains do. Sanjuro (talk) 23:32, 4 October 2013 (PDT)

That's because I've only used it against villains so far :P I'll be making a combat template just for them to settle a few things so don't worry about that info.
Anyway, if you come across foes that can't be disguised report those please ;) Patojonas 04:49, 5 October 2013 (PDT)

The footpath footpad can can disguised (frightful shadow). Sanjuro (talk) 23:40, 5 October 2013 (PDT)
The ghost of X (from using an ectoplasmic sheet) can be disguised (ghostly tyrannosaurus). Sanjuro (talk) 22:36, 9 October 2013 (PDT)
Big Charley (encounter triggered by having a reformed arsonist sidekick) cannot be disguised. Sanjuro (talk) 23:14, 13 October 2013 (PDT)

For some reason, Big Earl can't either. Cristiona (talk) 20:20, 14 October 2013 (PDT)