Pants Summary Table

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Item Power Level Required Autosell Value Notes
acid-washed jeans 25 4 10 +5% acid resistance
+3 electric damage
Amazing Technicolor Dreampants 50 NA NA Provides a veritable rainbow of beneficial results in combat
anodized chauses 46 8 70
antsy pants 52 9 200 +5 foe toughness
+5 to initiative
armpit britches 95 18 160 +2% XP per combat
+14 to maximum HP
baggy cargo pants 15 2 20
barrel full of monkeys (monkeys not included) 50 9 50 Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
+5% item drops
bionic legs 55 10 250 +8% Reflexes
+8% electric resistance
caldera chauses 80 15 130 +10% fire resistance
+10% ice resistance
Captain Nocturnal's Serpent Skin Pants 60 9 NA +10 Melee damage
+5 HP per turn
+5% chance of critical hits
cellophane zubaz 25 4 300 -5% to initiative
Increased chance of noncombat adventures
chain cuisses 60 11 100 -5 to initiative
+5 damage absorption
chimney chauses 46 8 75 +10% fire resistance
cryonite corduroys 33 5 50 +20% fire resistance
+10 to maximum PP
dance pants 42 8 115 +5% Reflexes
datapants 35 6 90 +5 XP per combat
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
denim pants 5 1 5
discount pants 22 NA 22 +3% item drops
-3 Reflexes
-3 to initiative
docker's pants 38 6 90 +4 Damage Absorption
enriched pants 55 10 175 +15 to maximum PP
fishnet stockings 26 4 52
frused pants 50 NA NA Fruses elemental damage to your attacks
Also sometimes fruses defensively
Regenerates PP as a function of level
gilded leggings 15 NA 100 +2 HP per turn
great Scottish kilt 50 NA NA +10 foe toughness
+5% chance of critical hits
Spectacular critical hits
Allows use of the Flounce skill 5x per day
heretical stockings 130 25 300 Attacker takes +10% sonic damage upon successful hit
+15% sonic damage resistance
Wailing of Yuggoth
hot pants 60 11 200 +5 fire damage
+5% ice resistance
hot pockets 15 3 55 Take 2 fire damage per round of combat
+50% ice resistance
+2 fire damage
illuminum skirt 75 14 255 +7 electric damage
+20 spell damage
leather pants 12 1 12 +3 Reflexes
legal briefs 50 10 190 +5 psychic damage
+5% Intellect
leopard skin loincloth 65 12 225 +10 Strength
+10 Intellect
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance
Mechapinata legs 111 20 100 +5 damage absorption
MechaPinata Fortitude
micromillipants 99 20 1000 +10 foe toughness
-10 seconds to the duration of each turn
moital combat fatigues 58 10 200 +10 foe toughness
padded pants 25 4 15 +4 damage absorption
padded tights 10 NA 10
pants valiant 80 15 160 +10% Strength
+20 to maximum HP
Petrograd pants 65 16 255 +10% Intellect
+15% electric resistance
plasteel trousers 55 10 175
Plated Pantaloons of Pretentious Potency 60 10 200 +5 damage absorption
+5% Strength
poly shorts 70 13 180 +10% Reflexes
+10 increased foe toughness
poofy skirt 45 8 130 -5 to Initiative
+2 Damage Absorption
Rain's flood pants 46 8 120 +6 to maximum PP
+6% ice resistance
safety pants 23 3 46
security slacks 20 3 35 +5 dodging ability
Shade's Cargo Pants 80 13 NA +13% Reflexes
+13% to initiative
+5% dodging ability
+5% Ranged damage
silenced mail leggings 60 11 100 +5 to initiative
+5 damage absorption
smarty pants 65 12 250 +10% dodging ability
S.N.O.W. pants 50 NA NA +10 foe toughness.
+5 ice damage
Regenerates PP
Chance of flurries
snug breeches 50 9 150 +5% weapon damage
spooked credo 18 2 24 Attacker Takes 2 Damage
Sunset's Flaming Sharovary 40 5 NA +10 to your maximum Power Points
Attacker takes +10% fire damage upon successful hit.
tattered shorts 40 7 100 +10 Strength
+2% chance of weapon fumbles
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance.
the Parachutist's pants 52 NA NA +10% dodging ability
-10 seconds to the duration of each turn
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
Parachute Drop (super jump with a melee weapon in combat)
TheK3vin's Kh4k1s 42 7 50 +5 defense
+10 Reflexes
three-speed bicycle shorts (first gear) 25 NA NA -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+10 dodging ability
Gain XP
three-speed bicycle shorts (high gear) 75 10 NA -15 seconds to the duration of each turn
+5 damage absorption
Regenerates PP
three-speed bicycle shorts (second gear) 50 5 NA -10 seconds to the duration of each turn
+10 to hit
Regenerates HP
Toxic rocker pants 16 2 200 +6 acid damage
+5% Reflexes
trylon tights 47 8 140 +5% fire resistance
+5% ice resistance
ultracentrifugal shorts 1 4 200 Infinitesimally increased odds of finding an ultra-rare.
Moderately increased odds of finding nonseizium.
+5% chance of enemy fumbles
UltraSport slacks 63 12 180 +20 to maximum PP
+5% spell damage
viscount pants 30 5 52 +3% Intellect
xentrium breeches 50 10 205 -10 seconds to the duration of each turn

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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