Items by number (1-99)

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1. baseball bat
2. hammer
3. metal-rimmed frisbee
4. extension cord
5. baseball
6. straw and thumbtacks
7. steel knuckles
8. leather gloves
9. reinforced gloves
10. armored gloves
11. spiked gloves
12. forcegloves
13. sneakers
14. army boots
15. biker boots
16. ubiquitous chainsaw
17. badly bent knife
18. lead pipe
19. leather jacket
20. cup of coffee
21. fancy latte
22. latte
23. shot of espresso
24. cup of tea
25. cup of herbal tea
26. flak helmet
27. football helmet
28. motorcycle helmet
29. denim jacket
30. [[]]
31. kneepads
32. denim pants
33. padded tights

34. titanium chassis
35. data plate
36. memory tube
37. electronic cabling
38. power converter
39. nanoprocessor
40. quantum hopper
41. oculum felis
42. positron originator
43. pathway imager
44. lepton mesh
45. fusion pack
46. photonic chiller
47. carbon-microfiber chassis
48. cross trainers
49. peacekeeping baton
50. riot shield
51. pocket van de graf generator
52. flashlight
53. eponymous nail gun
54. [[]]
55. sling
56. large knife
57. brass knuckles
58. [[]]
59. beanbag cannon
60. taser
61. dark arts
62. shattered protest sign
63. laser cannon
64. plasteel plating
65. little yellow pill
66. purple pill

67. blue pill
68. red pill
69. bottle of pills
70. denim overalls
71. gas mask
72. bike helmet
73. boomerang
74. dyed pajamas
75. Lug-Nut Keychain
76. Ember in a Bottle
77. Shark's Tooth Necklace
78. Intellectual Headband
79. lottery ticket
80. astral spline
81. ethereal club
82. pandimensional scepter
83. big honkin' hammer
84. cosmic crystals
85. shield of Zion
86. digital rapier
87. digital saber
88. hooded cloak
89. roman candle wand
90. digital robes
91. e-rings
92. bow of hazard
93. platinum necklace
94. pronged javelin
95. bicycle
96. skateboard
97. moped
98. motorcycle
99. unbranded jalopy

Items By Id
1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | 400-499 | 500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | 900-999
1000-1099 | 1100-1199 | 1200-1299 | 1300-1399 | 1400-1499 | 1500-1599 | 1600-1699 | 1700-1799 | 1800-1899 | 1900-1999
2000-2099 | 2100-2199 | 2200-2299 | 2300-2399 | 2400-2499 | 2500-2599 | 2600-2699 | 2700-2799 | 2800-2899 | 2900-2999