Combat Items: Difference between revisions

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m goodly bent knife
m →‎Damage: ectoplasmic items
Line 23: Line 23:
| [[sparkle bomb]] || {{element|fire|52}} + {{element|electric|53}} ||
| [[sparkle bomb]] || {{element|fire|52}} + {{element|electric|53}} ||
| [[ectoplasmic pumpkin]] || {{element|ice|7*Level - 11*Level, up to 70-110}} || Delevel?
| [[explosive briefing]] || {{element|fire|60-80}} ||
| [[explosive briefing]] || {{element|fire|60-80}} ||
| [[specter snare]] || {{element|ice|50-70}} || also restores HP
| [[specter snare]] || {{element|ice|50-70}} || also restores HP
| [[ectoplasmic bowling ball]] || {{element|ice|5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70}} || Stuns for 1 round
| [[ectoplasmic chains]] || {{element|ice|5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70}} || Replicates foe
| [[ectoplasmic glove]] || {{element|ice|5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70}} || Also restores HP
| [[throwing star - black hole]] || {{element|psychic|5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70}} || Either grants 1 minute or [[Green Globulin]]<br>Once per turn<br>Not consumed
| [[throwing star - black hole]] || {{element|psychic|5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70}} || Either grants 1 minute or [[Green Globulin]]<br>Once per turn<br>Not consumed
Line 125: Line 133:
| [[badly bent knife]] || {{element|player|1-5}} || {{col|player|25-35}} against robots
| [[badly bent knife]] || {{element|player|1-5}} || {{col|player|25-35}} against robots
| [[ectoplasmic pumpkin]] || {{element|ice|?}} || Delevel?
| [[ectoplasmic bowling ball]] || {{element|ice|?}} || Stuns for 1 round
| [[ectoplasmic glove]] || {{element|ice|?}} || Also restores HP
| [[ectoplasmic chains]] || {{element|ice|?}} || Replicates foe
| [[Ball o' fire]] || {{element|fire|?}} ||
| [[Ball o' fire]] || {{element|fire|?}} ||

Revision as of 17:35, 24 May 2012


Item Damage Notes
TNT 66% of remaining HP damage Stuns for 1+ rounds
EMP device 60% of remaining HP damage Not consumed
Works against robots only
Can be used three times per day
Stuns 1 round
kablammo kabomb 33% of remaining HP damage
Terce's memo 20% of remaining HP (psychic) damage
Ticketmaster's ticket punch Level*10±10 damage Also gives XP
atomic wedge (5-6) * Level ? damage Reduces to-hit and dodge?
clamp of stairvoyance Level*5+9 - Level*8 damage
letter of pre-recognition Level*3+8 - Level*7 (fire) damage Also gives XP
crystal for scrying out loud Level*3+9 - Level*6 (sonic) damage Sometimes not consumed
sparkle bomb 52 (fire) damage + 53 (electric) damage
ectoplasmic pumpkin 7*Level - 11*Level, up to 70-110 (ice) damage Delevel?
explosive briefing 60-80 (fire) damage
specter snare 50-70 (ice) damage also restores HP
ectoplasmic bowling ball 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (ice) damage Stuns for 1 round
ectoplasmic chains 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (ice) damage Replicates foe
ectoplasmic glove 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (ice) damage Also restores HP
throwing star - black hole 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (psychic) damage Either grants 1 minute or Green Globulin
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - blue giant 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (ice) damage Either stuns or doubles damage
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - magnetar 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (electric) damage Either grants item or Electric with Excitement
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - pulsar 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (sonic) damage Additional detrimental effect
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - red dwarf 5*Level - 7*Level, up to 50-70 (fire) damage Either +8 foe toughness or +15 PP
Once per turn
Not consumed
combat paperclip 45-65 damage or stun
freeze frame 50-60 (ice) damage Also gives XP
gross bag 50-60 (acid) damage
corroded battery grenade 20-30 (acid) damage + 20-30 (electric) damage
bandolier 40-60 damage
fruitcake 40-60 damage
fruitcake (regifted) 40-60 damage
memory box 40-50 (psychic) damage Also gives XP
scorched coffee 40-50 (fire) damage
razor dove ?-42-49-? damage
Rorschach card ?-45-? (psychic) damage
refound marbles 34-45 damage
goo bomb 30-40 (acid) damage
ichor 30-40 (acid) damage
overamped PDA 30-40 (electric) damage Chance to stun for 1 round
really big shoe 30-40 damage
disposable instant camera 25-35 (psychic) damage Also gives XP
fire bladder 25-35 (fire) damage
lip blam 25-35 (fire) damage
sour coating 25-35 (acid) damage
sleet bucket 20-35 (ice) damage Reduces to-hit ?
enerbun globule 20-30 damage 50% of remaining HP against robots
hands-free pan 20-30 (fire) damage
pun gas 20-30 damage Stuns for one round
shocker pen 20-30 (electric) damage Stuns for one round
foul fowl 25-30 (acid) damage
power pak 20-27 (electric) damage
black card ?-23-? (psychic) damage
the bomb 15-20 damage
sparkler 10-20 (fire) damage
roman candle wand 9-18 (fire) damage
snowball 9-18 (ice) damage
Warehouse Party hair spray 9-18 (fire) damage
Justin's magic wand 5-9 + floor((level+1)/5), cap 13-17 (psychic) damage Sometimes
Otherwise heals or does a detrimental effect
Not consumed
cracked nut shells 10-15 damage
styrofoam bomb 10-15 (sonic) damage
big rock 5-10 damage
bubble wrap 5-10 (sonic) damage
road flare 5-10 (fire) damage
Mister Ick-er sticker 5-9 (acid) damage
spark plug 6-8 (electric) damage
frowny sticker 3-6 (psychic) damage
rank bun 3-6 damage Stuns by 1 round
badly bent knife 1-5 damage 25-35 against robots
Ball o' fire ? (fire) damage
goodly bent knife ? damage


Item Amount Notes
flash-restore capsule .6*Max HP
drowsing rod 6*Level, Cap 200 Sometimes stuns for 1 round
band-aid 77-96
insta-salve, large 18-22
Justin's magic wand 5-9 + floor((level+1)/5), cap 13-17 Sometimes
Otherwise does damage or detrimental effect
Not Consumed
specter snare ?-12-13-? also does ice damage
insta-salve, small 8-12
ectoplasmic glove ? Does ice damage

PP restoring

Item Amount Notes
frusion tendril 20-30
frusion filament 12-18
throwing star - red dwarf 1*Level, min 5, cap 15 does fire damage
Sometimes +8 foe toughness instead
Once per turn
Not consumed
insta-charge ampoule 8-12
frusion speck 6-10

XP gain

Item Amount Notes
Clepsydra's clockwork key 1000 against clockwork foe only, defeating the foe
yields clockwork core
Ticketmaster's ticket punch 25*Level, cap 500 Does damage
letter of pre-recognition ? - Level*10, Cap 150 does fire damage
disposable instant camera 50-60 does psychic damage
freeze frame 40-50 does ice damage
memory box 40-50 does psychic damage


Round count always include the round in which the item is uses.

Item Number of rounds Notes
magic deck of cards 2-4
endless handkerchief 3
holiday wreath 3
holiday wreath (regifted) 3
recognizer bot 3
ectoplasmic bowling ball 1 Does ice damage
pun gas 1 does damage
rank bun 1
shocker pen 1 Does electric damage
squidopus ink 1 Other?
throwing star - blue giant 1 does ice damage
Sometimes doubles damage instead
Once per turn
Not consumed
TNT 1 deals 2/3 of remaining HP damage
combat paperclip 1 (sometimes) or does damage
drowsing rod 1 (sometimes) heals
EMP device 1 (against robots only) deals 60% of remaining HP damage (Robots only)
overamped PDA 1 (sometimes) does damage

Other detrimental effects

Item Effect Notes
atomic wedge to-hit and dodge ? does damage
ectoplasmic pumpkin delevel? Does ice damage
Justin's magic wand delevel? Sometimes
Otherwise does damage or heals
Not consumed
glob of goo delevel?
sleet bucket to-hit? does ice damage
squidopus ink to-hit? Stuns for 1 round
super-cute bunny ?
throwing star - pulsar ? does sonic damage
Once per turn
Not consumed
webbed sand attack?


Item Effect Notes
bungee lasso replicates foe, giving Total Recall
calling card ?
Clepsydra's clockwork key defeats clockwork foe, yielding clockwork core gives 1000 XP
degausser defeats A.R.F. foe, gaining a subscript
deja voodoo doll replicates foe, giving Deja Voodoo
ectoplasmic bedsheet replaces foe with a ghost of X
ectoplasmic chains replicates foe does ice damage
lack of pies useless messages
red-eye mind trick ends combat without costing time, giving Red Eyes
flash powder ends combat without costing time
pan handle Gives chips
red card ?
smoke bomb ends combat without costing time
throwing star - black hole Either grants 1 minute or Green Globulin does psychic damage
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - magnetar Either grants item or Electric with Excitement does electric damage
Once per turn
Not consumed
throwing star - red dwarf +8 foe toughness or PP restore does fire damage
Once per turn
Not consumed