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Note: this info is for and from my personal spading both previous and in progress. As such may be inaccurate and out of date. Also, I try to follow the 48-hour no spoilers rule of the TH forums here.



Component 1 + Component 2 = Item
financial spreadsheet code + statistical analysis code = Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program
physiology scan code + statistical analysis code = S.M.A.R.T. software
statistical analysis code + city map code = iMyself blog software
city map code + physiology scan code = GigantoFirm LookOut Calendar


Component 1 + Component 2 = Item
shattered protest sign + shattered protest sign = kindling
shattered protest sign + badly bent knife = weird sculpture
outraged political flyer or rave flyer + outraged political flyer or rave flyer = paper mache
paper mache + paper mache = pinata
long arm of the law + short end of the stick = the whole nine yards
lover's locket, left half + lover's locket, right half = lover's locket
the bomb + bowler = demolition derby
smoldering ash + pocket van de graf generator = hot potato
smoldering ash + baseball bat = bat out of hell
smoldering ash + smudged sweater = tropical fleece
taut sinew + army boots = high-jump boots
caffeine pill + cup of coffee = fortified coffee


Component 1 + Component 2 = Item
titanium plating + denim pants = safety pants
titanium plating + boomerang = pingerang
titanium plating + flak helmet = reinforced helmet
titanium plating + denim jacket = reinforced shirt
titanium plating + lead pipe = titanium pipe
titanium plating + riot shield = titanium shield
titanium plating + pocket van de graf generator = titanium lump
titanium lump + titanium pipe = titanium mace
plasteel plating + denim pants = plasteel trousers
plasteel plating + hedge slammer = Gallagher's mallet
plasteel plating + flak helmet = plasteel helmet
plasteel plating + denim jacket = plasteel shirt
plasteel plating + riot shield = plasteel shield
plasteel plating + smoldering ash = infernium slab
infernium slab + armored gloves = infernium gloves
infernium slab + security slacks = hot pants

Lost items

Lost item effects
lost sock +10 physical attack damage
lost toy 5% of weapon damage returned as PP
lost phone +5? XP
lost keys -weapon fumbles?
lost soul +25% Psychic Resistance
lost wallet +10% to all stats

Couch items

Couch sidekicks
gym membership card +hit?
stale cracker +items?
mismatched earring Damage absorption.
Twilight Gold card‎ +chips?
phone number 20 XP after fight.
old coin Block.