Main Page

From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 07:47, 22 July 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (→‎Game Basics: added link to user guides)
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Twilight Heroes is a free, browser-based superhero RPG.
It is currently in early beta; information is subject to change.

Game Basics
Gear and Equipment
City of Twilight
Game Updates

July 5 Psions have received a level 16 skill (Aura: Mental Magnetism). Naturalists have received a level 12 skill (Nurture vs. Nature).

July 5 The way the gadgeteer "upgrade X" skills work has been changed a touch. See the forums for details.

July 5 A metalmorph expansion pack has been released for elemental heroes.

June 30 July's Item of the Month is now hanging on a clothing rack in the Wok of Stars in Somerset.

June 28 Level 12 and higher gadgeteers now have a new skill, and a corresponding new gadget in their hideouts to play with.


Wiki News

06-04-09 - Due to image cleanup I had to edit some user pages. I did my best to leave the pages as they were except for image names, but I apologize if I made any errors -- Muhandes

12-01-08 - Upgrading has finished. Please tell me any problems you encounter.

12-01-08 - The wiki's going down for a couple hours today for upgrades, so don't be alarmed.

02-26-08 - The wiki now has a forum for itself. It is here.

01-12-08 - The new wiki is stable and there are very few Wiki News updates. Can we use this area for something else? talk page


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