Rejected Rogue Ranch

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Revision as of 15:10, 15 August 2010 by PKProStudio (talk | contribs)
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Rejected Rogue Ranch
Location: Up in the mountains
Unlocks: level 11?
Combat %: 100
Foe XP range: 121-138
ID: 57

Combat Adventures

boisterously bragging brawler

Item Drops: wiggling wombat whiskers, wiggling wombat whiskers

Experience Gained: 125

horrifically harsh hawk

Item Drops: carbonated cadmium calipers, gossamer glass goblet, random raggedy rod

Experience Gained: 128

lazy and lethargic lizard

Item Drops: random raggedy rod

Experience Gained: 121

mercilessly menacing mastodon

Item Drops: gossamer glass goblet

Experience Gained: 128

red raging robot

Item Drops: random raggedy rod

Experience Gained: 131

redundant red raging robot

Item Drops: carbonated cadmium calipers

Experience Gained: 131

stealthily sneaking sniper

Experience Gained: 125

One-time Adventures

triumphant and terrible titan

Item Drops: carbonated cadmium calipers, gossamer glass goblet, infinitesimal ionized ingot, luxurious leather lanyard, positively purple phone, random raggedy rod, wiggling wombat whiskers

Experience Gained: 138


  • The location, the enemies, and the quest associated with it are based on alliterations.