Username: Jesus
Player ID: (# 229 )
Retcon Pulls
Helmet: Insanely super bowl helmet (if Elemental)
- Seppia's cephalopod skullcap (if non-Elemental)
Weapon: n-barreled shotgun (triple) (Level 3)
- Atmos Spear (shortened) (for Level 10 quest)
Shirt: Viking Games jersey
Gloves: Mummers' gloves
Pants: three-speed bicycle shorts (first gear) upgrade as level permits
Boots: Roderick's Boots (super jump for Level 11 and possibly 8)
Offhand: Filthy sock puppet
Accessories: Hero's Cape
- Rolled Doll dahl
- Embossed emblem (Level 4)
Transportation: Lexura Infinides D-8
Talisman: Grimm's Bulwark (if using permed skills)
- Special wooden cup (if no permed skills)
Misc: positronic computer
- personal copy of the internet
- throwing star - black hole
- throwing star - magnetar
- throwing star - red dwarf
- gold coin
- combat paperclip
- swingline stapler
- SQUID discs (if also Seppia's cephalopod skullcap)
Merit Badges
Current Projects
I am trying to collect 10 of every item, excluding ridiculous things like donation, coal, and rare items. Sadly, some items will be forever out of reach -- class talismans, quest items, rental items, and whatever I might be forgetting.
Brute force drop percentages:
Cube Theater - 9000
Castle Hundenswein - 4000
Delta Delta Delta - 3500 turns
A renegade robot hive - 3000
The Docks - 3000 (before white elephant gift was added)
Additionally, chip drops for the Guild for Imaginative Metachronism
Alter Ego
Username: Solitude
Player ID: (# 257 )
Class: Elemental
Level: 50
Solitude spends his days spading item drops. Currently lamenting his inability to get a SQUID disc: The Best Memory.