Speedy retcon for dummies

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  • Get to Level 4
There are a couple of ways to do this:
IFF you have access to Seppia's_cephalopod_skullcap you can use:
145 x SQUID_disc:_Forgotten_Etiquette for a total of 1,300 XP to get to level 4
Else you will need to put points in Damage_absorption skills and Premonition so that you can go to a place like The_Docks where using a Memory_box will not kill the foe.
Maximize your Combat_chance_modifiers to +Combat as there is a non combat adventure here. Another option would be to finds a location with no non-combat adventures. Each 'round' use a memory box on the foe (thus gaining 40+ XP) and then a turn ending item such as Stage_hook Note: You will need to do this approximately 30 times to get to the minimum 1,300 XP for level 4.
I used Upgrade_Armor:_Superabsorbance
  • From level 4 you will still need to continue using disks or memory boxes to gain XP until about 36,000XP I highly recommend the SQUID disk method

2) Like a Super Neighbor Adventure in Neighboring and neighborly neighborhood until you get Officer Down. Patrol in the Neighboring and neighborly neighborhood until you get The Arsonist Trouble in the Galleria Patrol the Cannonball Tavern until you get To the Rescue

A Dank and Rusty Mystery Unnamed Adventure Say, Isn't that Grand? Kinders Feepers A Skeptic Sandal Unnamed Adventure A Barge Lox Mind Bender Protests Aren't for Amateurs mob instigator C.H.I.P.S. (Casino Heroes Investigate Purported Scandal) VIP_guest Back Door Suspicious Figure blotto sotto capo Go Fish Perch Boy [[]] Troutmaster_(without_Bass-O-Matic_77) Don't Cry for Me, Zion-tina Go Fish, Again Trouble in the Wasteland All the World's a Quest, and All the Men and Women Merely Heroes Through the Dimensional Rabbit-Hole Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game (continued)