Updates Archive 2018

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  • Archive continues here.

12-30-18 Kinak is moderately injured, so the upcoming Wok items might be a little late.

12-25-18 Merry Christmas, Twilight!

12-01-18 The Wok of Stars is ringing in the season with style.

11-22-18 The university has opened a new building for those who've completed the Brute quest.

11-16-18 I'm dreaming of a white... Thanksgiving?

11-04-18 Remember that tonight we fall back through the portal of Daylight Saving Time.

11-03-18 Queued decryption should work a little better now.

11-01-18 The Wok of Stars has a new item. Oh yeah!

11-01-18 On a related note, Paypal hasn't been entirely consistent lately, so let Kinak know if you don't get your silver stars.

10-31-18 Happy Halloween!

10-25-18 Are you ready for some baseball? I hope so, because the Boston Stranglers are up to bat.

10-01-18 October is a time of creepy masks, but the Wok of Stars believes that extends to totally sweet hats.

09-12-18 Welcome to our dev team member!

09-09-18 Congrats to Skitter for winning this month's Call for Heroes.

09-01-18 Do you remember learning to remember things? The Wok of Stars remembers.

08-31-18 Happy Birthday to Kinak, Happy Birthday to Kinak.

08-01-18 The future of computing is now at the Wok of Stars.

07-29-18 Thanks to all your help keeping the city safe and bug free.

07-01-18 Will the pun for this month's Wok of Stars item make anyone laugh? It's a coin flip.

06-11-18 We have a winner for this month's Call for Heroes. Remember to have new players you recruit let me know in exchange for fabulous prizes.

06-01-18 If you look close enough you may find a small new item at the Wok of Stars.

05-15-18 Beware the Ides of May.

05-01-18 May Day! May Day! There's a sweet new car in the Wok of Stars! Okay, maybe that's not an emergency.

04-16-18 Urban archeologists have discovered evidence of an ancient shoe factory in the Heavy Industry District.

04-12-18 Chat should be working normally again, let Kinak know if you have any problems.

04-04-18 There's nothing like Opening Day. Except for today, which is like Opening Day.

04-01-18 Merry New Aprilween!

04-01-18 I see a new month and I want to paint it... every color.

03-13-18 Snow? In March? What is this?

03-11-18 Twilight will be springing forward tonight, so remember rollover may be at a strange time tomorrow.

03-08-18 Thanks to everyone who caught bugs this winter!

03-01-18 It's not a leap day, but don't tell the Wok of Stars that!

02-25-18 Doing some major server updates over the next few days, sorry in advance for any issues.

02-14-18 Happy Villaintine's Day!

02-01-18 See right through the Wok of Stars' new accessory!

02-01-18 Happy International Joke Day!

01-25-18 There are some rough new obstacles from the fine folks at the Unbranded Arena.

01-14-18 The 10th Anniversary Foe Contest winners are now troubling the city of Twilight!

01-01-18 New Year's resolutions? No worries, you've got a sidekick and the Wok of Stars for that.