Accessories Summary Table

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Revision as of 06:57, 18 January 2009 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (added missing ones)

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Item Level Required Autosell Value Notes
air tank 1 NA -10 To Hit
Aquasson logo 12 200 +15% Intellect
big gold belt NA 150 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+1 extra PvP rank gained per win
binoculars 7 NA +10% Item Drops
black belt NA 125 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
Increased chance of getting a bonus token in a PvP win.
broken PDA NA 25
Circle A 5 100 +3 Weapon damage (ranged or melee)
Coward's Cloak NA 5 -10% Strength
-10% Intellect
-10% Reflexes
crib sheet 1 NA +10 Strength
+10 Intellect
+10 Reflexes
digital voice recorder 1 15 +1 XP Per Combat
e-rings 2 25 +5 Intellect
eye podule 10 200 Allows the use of SQUID discs.
fish whiskas 4 50 +5 Reflexes
fool's-gold star NA 5 -50% To Hit
-50% Dodging Ability
Fordbot logo 12 120 +15% Reflexes
gloveless fingers NA 64 +5% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
+2 defense
gold star 1 NA Increases all stats +1 level(s)
Can wear two
Hero's Cape 1 NA +20% Item Drops
Regenerates PP
judo kid gloves NA NA +50% effectiveness from your sidekick.
Allows your sidekick to sometimes perform a vicious judo chop in fights.
Sidekicks occasionally provide refreshment.
kneepads 1 20 +2 Damage Absorption
Louie Baton bag 1 15 +1% Chips
lover's locket 9 150 +2 HP Per Turn
+2 PP Per Turn
lover's locket, left half 4 60 +2 HP Per Turn
lover's locket, right half 6 90 +2 PP Per Turn
monarch butterfly pin 1 112 +5% chips
noise-reducing headphones 6 NA +10% sonic damage resistance
PDA 7 80 +3 XP per combat
Paddlebot logo 12 120 +15% Strength
paper pumpkin pin NA NA +5 Strength
pearl necklace 5 120 +6% psychic damage resistance
pearl of wisdom 4 60 +5 Intellect
Pouch of Few Lost Things NA NA +3% item drops
Pouch of Many Lost Things NA NA +5% item drops
Pouch of No Lost Things NA NA
Pouch of One Lost Thing NA NA +1% item drops
Pouch of Several Lost Things NA NA +4% item drops
Pouch of a Couple Lost Things NA NA +2% item drops
raccoon mask 1 145 +5% Strength
Ring of Fellowship NA NA Grants invisibility (chat effect).
+20 to maximum HP
+5% psychic damage resistance
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP when any two items from the set are worn.
+X offense power (+5/level, max: +60) when the full set is worn.
seventh of nine 1 68 +5% Item Drops
shoehorn 5 70 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
silver bracelet NA 100 +1 increased foe toughness.
silver star 1 NA +20 to Maximum HP or PP
silver-plated star NA 5 -5 to Maximum HP
-5 to Maximum PP
sonic echidna figurine 4 NA +5 sonic damage
sunglasses 5 NA +5% Chips
teardrop necklace 8 144 +10% acid damage resistance
the Scottish necklace 8 125 +5% Weapon Damage Returned As HP
umpire's glasses 3 32 +3% item drops
underpowered PDA 5 60 +1 XP per combat
verse of the dodo NA 253 +3 XP per combat
white belt NA 50 Approved for use in the PvP arena.
+1 PvP starting points
+1 PvP offense
+1 PvP defense
Wolley's Index NA NA +20% item drops
+8 psychic damage
Xelor watch 4 65 +10% To Initiative

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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