April Fool's Day occurs on April 1st every year.
In every year other than 2015, the main page had this message:
Congratulations! You are winner! Ha ha ha! You've just won an ... April Fools! Sorry, you haven't won anything. |
In 2015, as April Fool's Day coincided with the Echo of Downtown event, the message was
Congratulations! You are winner! Ha ha ha! You've just won a rip in spacetime. April Fools! |
In 2018, as April Fool's Day coincided with Easter, if you found the Chocolate Bunny, the message became
Congratulations! You are winner! Ha ha ha! You've just won an ... April Fools! Seriously, though, it's over towards <location>. |
Profile page changes
- Level was preceded with a minus sign
- Class and avatar displayed:
- Character Sex was listed as the opposite of what it is
- Chips were listed followed by ",000,000" so 0 became 0,000,000 and all other numbers were multiplied by a million
- Account Created: April 1, 2008
Player Info
- Age was displayed as one of:
- Over-Medium
- Immature
- Decrepit
- Sex: fail
- Location was displayed as one of:
- Once was lost but now am found
- Your mom
- Mount Vernon, Kentucky
- Erewhon
- Someplace where I don't know where I am
- Stalking Ryme from his back yard
- Neverwhere
- Web Site: AOL. It's still the coolest!
- "April Fools!" was added to the end of everyone's Quote.
Additional drops
All monsters had the ability to drop the following items:
Additional foes
The following could appear in any location, even as a result of a choice adventure, and even if that choice would have normally resulted in a non-combat:
These foes could drop the items above, and in addition to that:
Since April Fool's Day 2009
Profile page changes
- If you had a Sidekick/companion it was listed as one of:
- Imaginary friend
- Scrappy hobo
- Overinflated ego
- Pet tin can on a string
- Reputation was listed as one of:
- Smells funny
- Kinda a jerk
- Reprehensible
- Unsafe to invite to parties
- PvP Rank was listed as one of:
- Gets beaten up in the locker room
- Would lose to a Tennessee fainting goat
- Pathetic
- Worse than pathetic
- If you have a memento display: "This player has a memento display in the Look at Me I'm Special Because I Have Stuff Museum"
- If you are on a leaderboard: "This player thinks they're a hotshot on a leaderboard."
- Total (In-game) Time Played: Too much. Should get a life.
Additional Foes
April Fool's Day 2011
- Time Played This Run: blue?
- Days This Run: meatloaf
- Greedy capitalist has a player-owned shop down in the Mall
April Fool's Day 2013
- The were no profile page changes.
April Fool's Day 2014
Profile page changes
- Profile display went back to a pre 2011 version, the additions from the 2011 event not available (retcon history and player shop links unavailable).
- In addition all badge images were replaced by:

Additional Foes
April Fool's Day 2015
- Players' avatars, if not set to the default, were unchanged. Otherwise, the image depends on the viewer's class:
- If you had a companion, it was listed as one of:
- Actual friend's pet cat
- The voices
- Imaginary friend's pet cat
- Suspiciously unscary clown
April Fool's Day 2016
Profile page changes
- Players' avatars, if not set to the default, were unchanged. Otherwise, the image depends on the viewer's class:
- This player is a capitalist mutant traitor with a shop down in the Mall! Down with the Bourgeoisie!
- Retcon history: Rebooted More Times Than Your PC
- Time Played This Run: 525,600 minutes
- Days This Run: born yesterday
- In addition all badge images were replaced by:

April Fool's Day 2017
Profile page changes
- Players' avatars, if not set to the default, were unchanged. Otherwise, the image depends on the viewer's class:
- In addition all badge images were replaced by:

April Fool's Day 2018
Profile page changes
- Player's avatars were reverted to pre 2015 version
- This player has completed X Hero Dashes, with a personal best time of Y seconds.
- Retcon history: Rebooted more often than your computer
- All badge images were replaced by:

- Some of the joke locations refer to
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