Beginner's Guide to Twilight Heroes

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I'm working on the page, it will take a few days.--Reaper

So You Want To Be A Hero.

Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Twilight Heroes.
Warning: This guide may contain spoilers.

Choosing a class

Here is the Classes page & a Class Comparison Table
to see what the different classes have to offer.

If you find that you would rather be another class then,
the Transmogrifier page will show you how to change classes.

Where to start

Twilight Heroes can be a bit confusing or overwhelming when you're first starting.
This next little section will show you were to start if you want to head into combat a little more prepared.

You're a Dirty Dirty Hero

To Quote Ryme "dumpster diving--while not glamorous--can be surprisingly rewarding."
You'll want to Investigate the trash bin out back.
You are looking for

and the adventure below.

Who Would Throw Away a Perfectly Good TV?
  • Item Drops: none
  • Chip Drops: 150
  • Experience: none

Cleaning up Crime

Head to Pilant's Hardware and Soft Wear
& Pick up,


You will want to equip them, and head out to Your neighborhood.
And remember to have fun.

What you need to know

Here is some basic info that you should know about.

Turns & Time

There are a few things that effect how much time your turns cost.
Caffeine will give you more time, with more time you get more turns.
You want items that remove time from turns, if they add time to turns its a bad thing.

Caffeine is my Friend

You get 12 points of caffeine each day, and they will be replenished after rollover.
Each source of caffeine consumes these points differently, since you are a beginner
you'll want to pick up 12 Gingerette or Gingerelle (they are the same thing just different names) from the Black Market.

  • Here is the Caffeine page, it will show you what some of the other sources of caffeine are.


Every night at roughly 11:10 Eastern time, the game will rollover.
When you log back in after rollover, you'll have more turns and your caffeine level will be reset.

To Rest or not to Rest

  • Resting in your Hideout will replenish some of your hp & pp.
  • Resting will not remove bad effects.
    • (Find the bad effect in the wiki to see if it can be removed & if so, how.)
  • Resting will cost you 5 minutes to 2.5 minutes depending on your level.

Losing your Chips

Chips are your lifeblood... & Devil Dice will take your soul...

  • Gambling at the Seedy Casinos can destroy you faster than you know.
    • (I have heard of many high levels losing hundreds of thousands in chips in just a few minutes.)
  • Try not to spend chips on items and equipment, for the first 7 or so levels.
    • (you will need the chips for your training and Caffeine.)
  • There are 2 places that you can earn decent chips adventuring.
    • First is Golden Wooden Nickel Casino.
      • (best to be a level 5 or higher, if you're taking a lot of damage then you may want to grind in a place that isn't so brutal.)
    • Second is the Cube Theater.
      • (it unlocks at level 9 but you will take a lot of damage it would be best if you waited till you were level 14, unless you have a healing skill then you may be able to do it a few levels sooner.)


Here are the Equipment Summary Tables, it will help
you figure out what gear you want to look for.

  • When you want to know an item's info in the game, simply click its picture.
  • Pay attention to the item's info before buying it. level requirement, what slot it takes, & ect.
    • (you may find that you have something that is better in your inventory.)
  • Full-body suits will take up your shirt slot & your pants slot.
  • You can't equip 2 of the same accessories, (unless it says otherwise in its description)

  • Get the Xentrium breastplate ASAP. It will make your turns cost less time.(it will give you more turns)
  • Do not use the Magic truck vehicle. If you use it, it will make your turns cost more time.(it will make you have less turns)

Rares & IotMs

These items can be identified by the fact that they are the only items in the game that have Color.

  • There are 2 kinds of Rares, Rare & Semi-rare.
    • Rares also knows as "Ultra Rares" or "URs" are hard to find and you may spend months looking for them.
      • (All tho some people get lucky and find a rare in days.)
      • The Boomstick is the only Rare Weapon in the game, all other rares are Talismans.
    • Semi-rares are Talismans that are about as good as the talisman that you get for completing the Don't Cry for Me, Zion-tina quest.
    • The corrupt amulet & special wooden cup are the only 2 Semi-rares in the game currently.

  • IotMs stands for "item of the month".
    • They can be obtained by donating 5$ or more to the game for Silver stars, or buying Silver stars from other players.
    • They Require 5 to 10 Silver stars to buy them from the The Wok of Stars
    • They are retired after the month is over.
      • Some players may be selling an IotM after it has been retired.

Silver Stars

You will often head people talk about Silver stars in chat.
Silver stars are a type of currency in their own way.

  • You may want to check the Auction House or the prices that other players are selling them at, before buying / selling Silver stars.
  • They can be obtained by donating 5$ or more to the game, for 1$ per a silver star.
    • They can also be obtained by buying them from other players / Auction House.
  • They are used as a reference when talking about the more expensive Rares & IotMs.
    • Example (I'm selling "some item" for 12 stars.)

Computers & Software

Here is what you need to know about computers & software.


There are 2 types of computers. you can equip them in your Computer Lab


Software is made from Mangled data plates, the only exception
is Vlad's Decryptonomicon software & and can be found at Pilant's Hardware and Soft Wear

Simple Software list
Software What it does
Vlad's Decryptonomicon software Decrypts mangled data plate
& ripped swipe card
Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program From time to time you gain
extra chips after adventuring.
S.M.A.R.T. software Gives you some info about
your opponent during combat.
IMyself blog software From time to time you gain
extra XP after adventuring.
GigantoFirm LookOut Calendar From time to time you gain
extra time after adventuring.
S.U.I.T. Software From time to time you gain
S.U.I.T. points after adventuring.
(you get some items with these.)
Astral Stock Exchange software From time to time you gain
ASX Chips after adventuring.
(you get some items with these.)
control software Only used in the assembly of the jetpack.

The best softwares for new players are
IMyself blog software & GigantoFirm LookOut Calendar.

Quests & Rand the Man

When you adventure in Neighboring and neighborly neighborhood you'll come across the
side adventure Officer Down, Thus unlocking other Quests for levels to come.

  • Some areas can only be unlocked by starting a quest or adventuring while using an item.
    • The wiki will have info on how to unlock them.

Finding the Rand

You live the sad life of a Hero! No friends, always working in one way or another.
Why not go out and find yourself a friend. Here's Rand...

Quests the Other White Meat

Above all else remember that the Journal is your other friend.
It will give you hits if you get lost or stuck.

  • Quests unlock at most levels from 1-9.
  • Everyone gets stuck on the Maze password!
    • First hint: Ryme is obsessed with Spoonerisms.
    • Second hint: Do what is says, not say what is says.
  • Some adventures are limited occurring once or a few times.
    • (think of them as side quests or side adventures)

Merit Badges

Merit Badges are added to your profile for performing certain tasks.

  • To get your Merit Badges you have to visit the Heroes' Guild after completing the challenge!
    • You're not allowed to talk about Merit Badge requirements in chat, unless it is in a Private Message or in a hinting manner.
  • Merit Badges are only for show.
  • There are still Merit Badges than haven't been found.
    • If you find one that isn't in the Merit Badge page, then write down the info on how you think you found it so others may have a clue.

Basic Rules

  • Official TH Rules.
  • The Newbie chat channel is Always spoiler-free.
  • There is a 48-hour rule on new content.
    • No spoilers in chat or on the forums for the first 48 hours.
    • The 48-hour rule does not apply to items that have been added to stores.
    • The 48-hour rule does not apply to one day events.


Frequently Asked Questions

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