The Wok of Stars

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The Wok of Stars
Location: Somerset Square

This little shop on a busy street appears at first glance to be a small walk-up Chinese restaurant, but as you approach you realize the giant wok sitting just behind the counter is full of little gold and silver stars. On the back wall of the shop, which isn't much bigger than a carnival booth, various colorful and interesting items hang on the walls. A wizened vendor smiles and nods as you approach.

"We only deal in stars here," he says in slightly accented English. "I'll trade gold stars for silver stars, and I'll trade silver stars for anything else." You currently have X silver stars and Y gold stars.

Item Price
Stately-monarch.gif August Personage's The Stately Monarch 10 silver stars
Gold-star.gif Gold Star 10 silver stars
Silver-star.gif 10 Silver Stars 1 gold star
Pashas-spoon.gif Red Pasha's Silver Spoon 5 silver stars
Bowlers-wicket.gif Bowler's Sticky Wicket 5 silver stars
Rakes-trowel.gif Rake's Garden Trowel 5 silver stars
Squeezeball.gif Angriest Man's Squeezeball of Rage 5 silver stars
Empty-frame.gif empty Picture Frame 25 silver stars

Trade Some Stars

* Silver stars are gifts to players who donate to the game. They also may be available for purchase in the auction house.

Previous Offerings

2007 2008 2009 2010
Item Price Item Price Item Price Item Price
January Rodericks-gloves.gif Roderick's Gloves
Rodericks-boots.gif Roderick's Boots
5 silver stars each Gigaguy-cannon.gif GigaGuy cannon 10 silver stars Swordbreaker.gif Stainless Steelbreaker 10 silver stars
February Pouch-lost-things.gif Pouch of Many Lost Things 10 silver stars Foxy-sombrero-mask.gif foxy sombrero mask
Foxy-caped-suit.gif foxy caped suit
5 silver stars each Super-bowl-bowl.gif Insanely super XL bowl 10 silver stars
March Vr-helmet.gif Virtual Reality helmet 10 silver stars Marty-crouchs.gif Marty Crouch's magic chest 10 silver stars Viking-games-jersey.gif Viking Games jersey 10 silver stars
April Dreampants.gif Amazing Technicolor Dreampants 10 silver stars Prismatic-sports-bra.gif prismatic sports bra 10 silver stars Nightmare-puzzle.gif Gwneuthurwr Deganau's hunllef puzzle 10 silver stars
May Vhf-1-fighter.gif VHF-1 Fighter 10 silver stars Implausible-script.gif highly implausible script 10 silver stars Arf-card.gif A.R.F. VIP card 10 silver stars
June Fighting-club.gif Fighting Club 10 silver stars Hobbes-nail-boots.gif Hobbes' nail boots
Mummers-gloves.gif Mummers' gloves
5 silver star each N-barreled-shotgun2.gif n-barreled shotgun 10 silver stars
July Plaid-couch.gif Plaid couch (extremely lumpy) 10 silver stars Three-speed-shorts-1.gif three-speed bicycle shorts 10 silver stars Sepias-skullcap.gif Seppia's cephalopod skullcap 10 silver stars
August Wolleys-index.gif Wolley's Index‎ 10 silver stars Farenheit-4-51.gif Fahrenheit 4 - 5.1 10 silver stars
September Ring-of-fellowship.gifRing of Fellowship
Double-tower-shield.gifZorromir's double tower shield
Kings-boomerang.gifKing's boomerang
3 silver stars each Prize-box2.gif Exotic throwing stars gift set 10 silver stars
October Letter-shirt.gif letter shirt 10 silver stars Mask-of-odysseus.gif Mask of Odysseus 10 silver stars
November Cape.gif Hero's Cape 10 silver stars Judo-kid-gloves.gif Judo kid gloves 10 silver stars Atmos-spear.gif Atmos Spear 10 silver stars
December Aegis-flux-incapacitor.gif Aegis Flux Incapacitor 10 silver stars Recyclonizer-kit.gif Recyclonizer kit 10 silver stars Grouchs-sack.gif The Grouch's Sack of Loot 10 silver stars

Yearly Talismans

Item Price
Reeds-brassard.gif Reed's Brassard 5 silver stars
Typhoons-bracers.gif Typhoon's Bracers 5 silver stars
Tempests-brooch.gif Tempest's Brooch 5 silver stars
Grimms-bulwark.gif Grimm's Bulwark 5 silver stars


  • To gain stars you have to donate using the "donate" link on the top frame of the game. To gain any stars, you must donate an amount equal to or greater than $5. You will gain 1 silver star for each dollar donated.
