Boots Summary Table

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Item Power Level Required Autosell Value Notes
army boots 4 3 15
Biff Socko's socks 6 5 200 +5% Reflexes
+2 damage absorption
biker boots 2 NA 20
boogaloo boots 15 14 105 +3 electric damage
+10% Reflexes
+10 dodging ability
boots of the cold feet 6 5 40 +3 ice damage
bunny slippers 2 NA 10 +1% ice resistance
burning disco shoes 5 NA NA Gotta Dance!
chain sabaton 12 11 100 +5 damage absorption
chip loafers 11 10 25 +3% chips
cleats 1 NA 10 +2 Reflexes
cross trainers 1 NA 20
crystalline slippers 6 5 30 +2 damage absorption
+15 damage against wicked stepmothers
dashing shoes 16 15 105 +5% Strength
+3% to initiative
databoots 7 6 90 +5% Reflexes
+10 offense
fins 2 NA NA Rental equipment is lost at rollover
-20% to Initiative
flip-flops 1 NA 8 +1 to maximum HP
+2% electric resistance
go-go boots 4 3 35 +5 Reflexes
greased bowling shoes 12 11 NA +10% to initiative
Hercules sandals 13 12 210 +10 ice damage
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance
high-jump boots 6 5 80 Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
Hike boots 5 3 25
Hobbes' nail boots 5 NA NA +5 Melee damage
Occasionally grants a bonus tiger pounce attack if you win initiative
+5% item drops
Increased chance of combat adventures
iron-toe boots 10 9 20 +3 foe toughness
+3 offense
+3 defense
-5 to initiative
jack boots 8 7 100 +8 Melee damage
jungle boots 4 3 35 +5% fire resistance
low-jump boots 10 9 138 +1 Damage Absorption
-33% Reflexes
metaphoric shoes 19 18 10 +5 XP per combat
-1 HP per turn
+8 to initiative
Mister Chill Out's snow boots 7 6 200 +10% ice resistance
moulded bouts 9 8 50
mukluks 4 3 35 +5 to maximum PP
nylon shoes 13 12 210 +10 dodging ability
paint-splattered jellies 5 4 10 +5% chips
pod moccasins 10 9 160 +10 to maximum PP
pointininis 12 11 100 Attacker takes 10 damage
poly stilettos 14 13 125 +5% Reflexes
+8 Weapon damage (ranged or melee)
Prefontane's shoes 5 10 NA -10 seconds to the duration of each turn
red shoes 5 2 150 Approved for use in the PvP arena
-15 seconds to the duration of each PvP duel
reinforced boots 3 NA 20
relaxing flats 5 10 200 +5 HP per turn
+5 PP per turn
rocket boots 5 5 NA Grants the ability to fly - for Gadgeteers only
+10 initiative - for Gadgeteers only
Roderick's Boots 10 NA NA +5 Reflexes
+10% chips
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
Provides +10% Reflexes if worn in conjunction with Roderick's Gloves
roller blades 4 5 72 +3 Melee damage
sandals 3 4 32 -1% chance of weapon fumbles.
scaffold shoes 1 NA 5 +2 PP reduction from frusion-based attacks.
scootin' boots 8 7 98 +7 dodging ability
skeptic sandals 3 2 NA + 20% Intellect
sneakers 1 NA 5
sneakiers 9 8 120 Increased chance of non-combat adventures
soft shoes 8 7 110 +8 to initiative
spiky heels 10 10 150 +5 Melee damage
Attacker takes 5 damage
Spring-Heeled Jack's boots 10 NA NA 5% chance to stun opponents
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
+10% dodging ability
+1 skill point applied to combat skills if Jill's elegant gloves is worn
stamped boots of stamping 8 7 200 Attacker takes 6 damage
+2 damage absorption
Stiletto Shoes of Stealthy Subtlety 12 10 200 Increased chance of noncombat adventures
+5% Reflexes
sturdy boots 8 7 100 +5 Reflexes
tanker boots 4 3 35 +5% acid resistance
The Baroness's stiletto boots 12 11 200 +3 defense
+10 to maximum HP
Treader of the Dust's Sandals 60 55 NA +10 PP per turn
Increased chance of combat adventures
+10 Weapon damage (ranged or melee)
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
tritanium treads 7 6 25 +3 defense
-2% chance of weapon fumbles
UltraSport socks 11 10 125 +10 to maximum PP
+10% Reflexes
vacuum tube socks 1 8 200 Infinitesimally increased odds of finding an ultra-rare.
Moderately increased odds of finding nonseizium.
+4% item drops
vindaloo boots 18 17 200 +5 fire damage
+10% dodging ability
Vinlands' End hiking boots 17 16 105 +5% Intellect
+10% dodging ability
water moccasins 6 5 64 +2 acid damage
white boots 4 NA 50 Approved for use in the PvP arena
+1 PvP starting points
+1 PvP offense
+1 PvP defense
xentrium boots 5 7 130 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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