Transportation Summary Table

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  • Your mode of transportation can be chosen in your Garage.
  • Transportation requirement goes by zone.
Zone Range requirement
Somerset Square 0
University Heights 1
Seedy Casinos
Downtown Twilight 3
Heavy Industry District
Out in the Desert
(Jekyll and) Hyde Park
Up in the Mountains 5

The following table summarizes all known forms of transportation.

Item Range Autosell Value Requirement Notes
on foot 0 NA "I'll just walk, thanks"
a team van 4 380 Level 8 +5% Ranged damage
aeropack 1 1 Grants wearer the ability to fly
armored pegasus 4 1000 Level 12 Grants wearer the ability to fly
-10 seconds to the duration of each turn
Asp Evader 4 500 +10% to Initiative
bandwagon 2 50 Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices
bicycle 2 20 -1 PP per turn
Blockee ATV 3 NA Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
You find Blockees in the weirdest places
boneshaker 2 100 +10 foe toughness
broken wings 0 5
centispeed 2 50 +5 Intellect
-5 to hit
command chopper 4 250 Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
+10% spell damage
custom Evader 4 1000 Level 8 +5% Reflexes
Your First Aid sometimes stuns opponents
diving bell 1 200 Attacker takes +1% sonic damage upon successful hit
Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
DjeLorean 4 500 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
dreamer's clock NA Level 15 Grants wearer the ability to fly
Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
Emmett McFlie's hoverboard 3 200 +8 foe toughness
Eon drive 3 NA -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+5% chips
Occasionally drops eon points
Grants deja vu the longer it's been in the family
Eon prime 5 NA -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+5% chips
Grants wearer the ability to fly
Occasionally drops eon points
Grants deja vu the longer it's been in the family
frog's court horse 3 60 Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
horse 1 50 Level 3 +1 Melee damage
hot rodimus 5 120 Level 15
I/O bus 4 50 Level 7 +10 damage to electronic robots
+10 damage to positronic robots
impossible hovercycle 3 256 +4 foe toughness
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
infernal team van 4 400 Level 15 +1 fire damage
+8 foe toughness
invisible jet 5 100 Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
Also inaudible, untasteable, and unsmellable
jetpack 5 300 Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
kombat kat 4 NA Increased chance of combat adventures
+5% chance of critical hits
Fights alongside you
Transforms when it gets tired of fighting
kombat kitty 4 NA +5% of weapon damage returned as HP
Successful hit weakens opponents (by 5 points)
+5% chance of enemy fumbles
Transforms on command... when it feels like it
lead dirigible 3 NA Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
+20 seconds to the duration of each turn
Rental equipment is lost at rollover
Lexura Infinides D-8 4 600 +2 PP Per Turn
Lexura Infinides D20 4 1200 Level 8 +4 PP Per Turn
Your Stun Gas also weakens opponents' Dodge and Defense
light cycle 4 220 Level 14 +4 electrical damage
+4% item drops
light reflected off a weather balloon 5 800 Piloting Take 2 psychic damage per round of combat
Grants wearer the ability to fly
lightningcycle 4 400 Level 8 +5 to initiative
+50% Electric Net damage
lowest rider 4 1 -2 Bonus Range
luxury chameleon 4 200 Level 8 Increased chance of noncombat adventures
luxury ZOM-V 4 400 Level 15 +5 PP per turn
magic truck vehicle 2 30 +30 Seconds to Each Turn
medevac chopper 5 NA Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
Can perform up to 5 air rescues per day
+3 HP per turn
mellow submarine 2 200 +10 damage against blue meanies
Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
mini fusion octotron 4 NA Level 5 +3 fire damage
+3 ice damage
+3 electric damage
+3 sonic damage
+3 acid damage
+5 defense
Model T-1000 3 120 Level 8 +25% effectiveness from your sidekick
Moletron's Molecar 4 300 Level 4 Attacker takes 10 damage
Bolsters your Initiative when the city is under attack
Drill beneath your foes for surprise attacks
monster truck 2 50 Level 8 +5% Melee damage
moped 3 150
motorcycle 4 200 +5 to Initiative
motorpede 4 300 Level 8 Attacker takes 5 damage
mysterious machine 4 130 Level 8 +1 electric damage
+1 sonic damage
+1 acid damage
Ned's chopper 5 NA Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
Rental equipment is lost at rollover
old-style ambulance 3 400 +3 HP Per Turn
one speed 1 10 +2 Strength
Paradime device 3 86 +1 HP per turn
+2 PP per turn
+5 dodging ability
pegasus 5 246 Level 12 Grants wearer the ability to fly
penny-farthing 2 100 +5% chips
pogo-stick 4 120 Level 5 Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
racing bike 2 100 +5 to initiative
Red Hex 3 125 Level 4 +4% chance of enemy fumbles
+4 to initiative
skateboard 1 10 -5 to Initiative
silicon scooter 3 200 Your software triggers more consistently
spy hot air balloon 5 NA Level 12 +5 HP per turn
+5 PP per turn
Grants wearer the ability to fly
Increased chance of noncombat adventures
spy ice cream truck 3 NA Level 8 +7 sonic damage
+7 foe toughness
Increased chance of combat adventures
spy sports car 4 NA +7% chips
Comes complete with spy defensive features
spy submarine 2 NA Level 4 +3 damage absorption
+4% item drops
Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
stanlee steamer 3 200 +3 fire damage
submicroscopic submarine 0 NA Gets small. Gets really, really small.
sub-ma-car 2 120 Level 4 Grants wearer the ability to breathe under water
teeny-tiny motorcycle 4 200 Level 5 -10 to initiative
+10% dodging ability
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance
that's my car 4 110 Level 7 +10% fire resistance
+10% ice resistance
+10% electric resistance
The Dingo's Lotus 4 200 Level 9 +3% XP per combat
the Night Mare 4 NA Level 5 +10% to initiative
+10 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
tri-cycle 4 205 +10 defense
+10 offense
unbranded jalopy 3 100 -5 to Intiative
VHF-1 Fighter 5 NA Piloting Grants wearer the ability to fly
Can perform up to 5 airstrike attacks per day
Refreshingly climate-controlled cabin
vicious cycle 4 220 Level 12 +6 fire damage
+10% fire resistance
Vortex cycle 4 NA -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+20% to initiative
waaambulance 4 800 Level 8 +4 HP per turn
Your Shock Grenade also weakens opponents' Dodge and Defense
well-worn minivan 4 190
wings of Icarus 4 120 Level 12 Attacker takes +5 electric damage upon successful hit
Grants wearer the ability to fly

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation