Ranged Weapons Summary Table

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Item Power Level Required Autosell Value Notes
Aaron Burr's flintlock 18 2 200 +3 fire damage
+3 sonic damage
+2% chance of weapon fumbles
anarchery set 85 7 110 +4 Ranged damage
anti-interrogative axe 111 10 75
B.L.T. 125 12 240 +8% chance of critical hits
B.L.ighT. gun 135 14 245 +10 to hit
+6% chance of critical hits
bag of marbles 70 6 150 Approved for use in the PvP arena
+4 PvP tentative attack
-2 PvP fierce attack
bag of throwing starfish 70 6 80 +3 Ranged Damage
ball bearing cannon 48 3 30 +5 Ranged damage
basalt rifle 68 6 40
baseball 10 NA 5
beanbag cannon 26 3 20
blunderbuss 190 18 205 +10 XP per combat
3% chance to stun opponents
boomerang 15 NA 7 +2 Melee Damage
Boomstick 100 3 NA +5 fire damage
+10 sonic damage
bow of hazard 45 3 52 +4 Fire Damage
Cathay ray 170 16 265 +5 fire damage
+10 dodging ability
cryonite darts 62 5 40 +3 ice damage
+3 Ranged damage
dark arts 25 NA 16 +2 Ice Damage
datagun 70 6 90 +5% to hit
+5% weapon damage
dented hubcap 56 5 60 +3 sonic damage
desert eagle 155 14 80 +6% chance of critical hits
+2 extra attack(s) per turn
eponymous nail gun 30 2 30
Furnace of Yeb 720 70 NA +50% weapon damage
+50 fire damage
+5 extra attack(s) per turn
Gaul blatter 160 16 245 +10 to hit
+5% to initiative
gauze rifle 80 9 160 +3 HP per turn
+5% to hit
GigaGuy cannon 10 NA NA +100 offense (+10/level, max: +100)
+1 extra attack(s) per turn
Provides several special attacks in combat
Occasionally causes foes to drop restoratives
Guatemalan pepper cannon 80 7 100 Successful hit weakens opponents (by 5 points).
high-tech slingshot 5 NA 1
holy hand grenade launcher 165 15 65 +10% Strength
+10 fire damage
+50% damage against rabbits
ion beamer 90 8 500 +10 fire damage
+10 to hit
Jimmy Six's laser 146 13 200 +12 fire damage
+4% chance of critical hits
jury-rigged splatter 1 10 150 +20 acid damage
King's boomerang 40 NA NA +1 extra attack per turn
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP when any of the two items from the set are worn
+X offense (+5/level, max: +60) when the full set is worn
Kookoo's pie pitcher 100 9 180 +4 fire damage
+4 ice damage
recoil foil rifle 72 5 150 +10% to hit
+10% dodging ability
laser cannon 75 6 90 +4 Fire Damage
laser pistol 58 4 62 +2 Fire Damage
longbow of the law 72 6 78 +5% chips
metal-rimmed frisbee 20 NA 10
military sidearm 78 7 95 +4 sonic damage
moonbow 21 NA 16 +5 to Initiative
N'Gah-Kthun's Lancer 500 55 NA +3 extra attack(s) per turn
+20% to hit
+20 fire damage
+2% chance of critical hits
n-barreled shotgun (double) 10 NA NA +1 extra attack(s) per turn
+5 fire damage
n-barreled shotgun (quintuple) 50 5 NA +3 extra attack(s) per turn
+10 sonic damage
n-barreled shotgun (septuple) 100 10 NA +4 extra attack(s) per turn
+10% chance of critical hits
n-barreled shotgun (triple) 30 3 NA +2 extra attack(s) per turn
+6 XP per combat
n-barreled shotgun (undecuple) 150 15 NA +5 extra attack(s) per turn
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP
NAP pistol 50 4 20
needler 100 9 150 +10% to hit
office trebuchet 100 10 175 Successful hit weakens opponents (by 10 points)
2% chance to stun opponents
Pachelbel's cannon 85 7 120 +5 sonic damage
pentameter 105 9 254 +5 foe toughness
+5 sonic damage
pingerang 35 2 30
pocket laser 33 2 25 +1 fire damage
pod blaster 104 9 168 +5% of weapon damage returned as PP
polyphonic spree-gun 130 13 155 +10% Reflexes
Take 1 sonic damage per round of combat
+30 sonic damage
-10 Ranged damage
prabble crossbow 94 8 130
pronged javelin 60 5 65
quint-barreled rifle 100 9 NA +4 foe toughness
2 extra attack(s) per turn
rail gun 140 12 260 +10 fire damage
+10 sonic damage
repeating rifle 50 5 NA +5% Reflexes
+2 extra attack(s) per turn
Successful hit weakens opponents (by 4 points)
rock-salt gun 180 17 185 Successful hit weakens opponents (by 10 points)
+5 XP per combat
rubber yo-yo 4 2 100 Approved for use in the PvP arena
+2 PvP tentative attack
scavenged death ray 200 10 150 -5 extra ranged attack(s) per turn
+20 electric damage
+3% chance of weapon fumbles
shrapnel gun 120 11 155 +3% of weapon damage returned as PP
+10 dodging ability
sharpshooter's rifle 108 10 183 +8 to hit
shooting stars 115 10 180 +10 Fire Damage
shortbow of the stick 42 3 52 +3% item drops
sling 15 NA 8
stranging device 60 7 110 +10 sonic damage
+8% chance of weapon fumbles
Causes disastrous fumbles
strategist's fan 78 8 127 +3% of weapon damage returned as PP
straw and thumbtacks 15 NA 10 +1 Ranged damage
swingline stapler 5 10 148 +4 extra ranged attack(s) per turn
taser 40 3 35 +3 Electric Damage
TaserMax 70 6 82 +4 electric damage
the 3-erang 82 7 35 +30% offense
+10 offense
the golem's Glock 98 8 200 +10 Ranged damage
+8 to hit
+1 extra attack(s) per turn
The Shark's darts 74 6 200 +1 extra attack(s) per turn
+4% chips
-4% chance of weapon fumbles
third rail gun 155 14 265 Take 1 electric damage per round of combat
+30 electric damage
+10 fire damage
-10 Ranged damage
Thor's bolts 80 7 105 +8 Electric Damage
throwing axe set 87 7 65
throwing pen 100 10 150 +5 Ranged damage
+1 extra ranged attack(s) per turn
+10 to initiative
throwing star 72 7 115 +4 Ranged damage
translucent rifle 50 4 75 +5 Ranged damage
+5% to initiative
Trident of Nodens 380 40 NA +3 extra attack(s) per turn
+5% of weapon damage returned as HP
+5% of weapon damage returned as PP
Fires varying elemental beams
Umbra's Shadow Blaster 80 9 NA +3 extra ranged attack(s) per turn
+5% chance of critical hits
+20 ice damage
U.R.L. 52 4 55 +4 Fire Damage
xentrium crossbow 150 14 308 +10% to initiative
+10 to hit
your little friend 65 5 75 +6 Ranged Damage
zapper 55 4 57 +5 Electric Damage
Zeno's bow 72 6 90 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+1 extra attack(s) per turn

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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