Accessories Summary Table

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Revision as of 12:00, 8 February 2013 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (extra-large box of Villaintine's cards)

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Item Level Required Autosell Value Notes
air tank NA NA Rental equipment is lost at rollover
-10 To Hit
Ali C bling 4 200 Increased chance of combat adventures
amethyst ion stone 9 100 +10% Strength
aquamarine ion stone 9 200 +10% spell damage
Aquasson logo 12 200 +15% Intellect
arm streamers 12 210 +15% Strength
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance
ball of strings NA 320 +10% effectiveness from your sidekick
Impeded computer interaction
big gold belt NA 150 Approved for use in the PvP arena
+1 extra PvP rank gained per win
binoculars 7 NA +10% Item Drops
Bishop of Wreckage 5 NA Successful hit weakens opponents (by 5 points)
black belt NA 125 Approved for use in the PvP arena
Increased chance of getting a bonus token in a PvP win
Blue's crushed velvet wristband 6 200 +10% Strength
+2 damage absorption
blue chip socks 10 3,000 +2% XP per combat
+10 foe toughness
blue choker 11 100 -10 foe toughness
boom box 12 260 +7 sonic damage
+6 foe toughness
broken PDA NA 25
bully pulpit 7 200 Attacker takes +20% ice damage upon successful hit
can't-dodge ball NA 102 -75% dodging ability
-75% to initiative
candy necklace NA 90 Sugar
Santa Claus belly (+20% sugar item drops)
Cape Kennedy cape 16 100 +5 to hit
+5 dodging ability
Cappy Capi's cayenne cape 6 200 +8 fire damage
+20% ice resistance
cardinal's ruler 4 400 +10 to maximum PP
+10% to your maximum Power Points
Casino's Choice award NA NA +5 levels to sidekick performance. (Does not exceed level cap.)
+5% capacity to all resistances
+40% spell damage
cereal port scanner NA NA Rental equipment is lost at rollover
Helps you locate cereal criminals for Leyonne MacDuff
chronatomic clock 10 200 Infinitesimally increased odds of finding an ultra-rare.
Moderately increased odds of finding nonseizium.
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
Circle A 5 100 +3 Weapon damage (ranged or melee)
citrine ion stone 9 200 +5% item drops
Clasped Cape of Compassionate Confrontation 10 200 Increased chance of combat adventures.
Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices.
cloak of limited visibility NA 1 Renders you totally invisible, if nobody is looking. Including yourself.
coral ion stone 9 100 +15 offense
cotton candy apple NA NA +5 Intellect
Coward's Cloak NA 5 -10% Strength
-10% Intellect
-10% Reflexes
crib sheet NA NA +10 Strength
+10 Intellect
+10 Reflexes
Cupid's quiver NA NA +20% item drops
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP
3% chance to stun opponents
dainty glasses 10 200 +5 XP per combat
databelt 6 90 +4 HP per turn
+4 PP per turn
datachoker 6 90 +5% to your maximum Hit Points
+10 dodging ability
denser mettle medal NA NA +2 Strength
+2 Intellect
+2 Reflexes
diamond ring 3 40 +1 PP per turn
digital voice recorder NA 15 +1 XP Per Combat
Doctor Talon's anklet 8 200 +10% Reflexes
Attacker takes 5 damage
dragon earrings 8 130 +4 XP per turn
dumbbell 7 108 Occasionally gain Strength points
e-rings 2 25 +5 Intellect
electric slide whistle 14 35 +10 electric damage
+5 increased foe toughness
embossed emblem 4 150 +4 XP per combat
3% chance to stun opponents
extra-large box of Villaintine's cards NA NA +20% item drops
Villains find you +10% faster
Limitless supply of villaintines (1/combat)
eyepatch 10 160 +4 damage absorption
eye podule 10 200 Allows the use of SQUID discs. 110% effective.
Fast Eddy's cold cash 5 500 +7 ice damage
festively folded fork NA NA +5 to maximum PP
fish whiskas 4 50 +5 Reflexes
fool's-gold star NA 5 -50% To Hit
-50% Dodging Ability
Fordbot logo 12 120 +15% Reflexes
garnet ion stone 9 100 +3 HP per turn
gloveless fingers NA 64 +5% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
+2 defense
gold star NA NA Can wear two
Increases all stats +1 level:
+5 Strength
+5 Intellect
+5 Refleces
+10 Maximum HP
+10 Maximum PP
+10 offense
+10 defense
+10 to-hit
+10 dodge
goldfish whiskas 4 100 +7% item drops
Groucho glasses NA 10 +1 foe toughness
Gwneuthurwr Deganau's hunllef puzzle NA NA Bestows a bewildering bounty of beneficial bonuses in combat.
gyrodreidel NA NA +8% chance of spell critical hits
+8% chips
Using skills costs -1 PP
Imminently Spinnable
heavy mettle medal NA NA +4 Strength
+4 Intellect
+4 Reflexes
heart of ice 10 160 +10% fire resistance
+3 ice damage
+2 PP per turn
herbal remedy 8 118 +2 HP per turn
Hero's Cape NA NA +20% Item Drops
Regenerates PP
infrared flair 6 200 Infinitesimally increased odds of finding an ultra-rare.
Moderately increased odds of finding nonseizium.
+2 XP per turn
insanely super XL bowl NA NA +10% item drops
+10% chip drops
+10% spell damage - for Elementals only
instructor's whistle 9 210 +5 levels to sidekick performance
iolite ion stone 9 100 +15 dodging ability
jade ion stone 9 200 +10% chips
jasper ion stone 9 100 +10% Reflexes
judo kid gloves NA NA +50% effectiveness from your sidekick
Allows your sidekick to sometimes perform a vicious judo chop in fights
Sidekicks occasionally provide refreshment
karma charm 5 NA Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices
+20% spell damage
Using skills costs -1 PP
kneepads NA 20 +2 Damage Absorption
lapis lazuli ion stone 9 100 +3 PP per turn
leather leaf lanyard NA NA +5 Reflexes
Leon's beard 10 175 +3% of weapon damage returned as HP
liar lyre 4 52 Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices
Lil' Jerk Disguise Kit 10 150 +20% effectiveness from your sidekick
loot lute 4 46 +6% chips
Louie Baton bag NA 15 +1% Chips
lover's locket 9 150 +2 HP Per Turn
+2 PP Per Turn
lover's locket, left half 4 60 +2 HP Per Turn
lover's locket, right half 6 90 +2 PP Per Turn
magic infinity ball 6 104 +5% Intellect
marium detector 3 NA Detect Marium
mask of Odysseus NA NA +15% Intellect
+15% item drops
Makes the wearer unusually cunning
+5 Ranged damage
megaphone 12 210 +20 sonic damage
metal medal of mettle NA NA +1 Strength
+1 Intellect
+1 Reflexes
monarch butterfly pin NA 112 +5% chips
Mother's whistle 5 200 +7 sonic damage
multiversal bandolier NA NA Attacker takes +10 acid damage upon successful hit
+10% Reflexes
+10% chips
Rental equipment is lost at rollover
music box 12 260 +3 HP per turn
+3 PP per turn
mysterious glowing green marble 5 200 +20% Reflexes
nicknack 7 113 +1 foe toughness
+1 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
+1 spell damage
+1 damage absorption
+1% item drops
+1% chips
+1% effectiveness from your sidekick
noise-reducing headphones 6 NA +10% sonic damage resistance
olivine ion stone 9 100 +15 to initiative
onyx ion stone 9 100 +15 to hit
PDA 7 80 +3 XP per combat
Paddlebot logo 12 120 +15% Strength
panther amulet 9 145 +10% offense
paper pumpkin pin NA NA +5 Strength
peacock vase 9 132 +10% to your maximum Hit Points
pearl necklace 5 120 +6% psychic damage resistance
pearl of wisdom 4 60 +5 Intellect
pent-a-gram 9 40 +5 foe toughness
pentacle 20 105 +10 foe toughness
+10 psychic damage
Take 1 psychic damage per round of combat
Phial of Samuels 8 NA +5% item drops
+5 PP per turn
+10% to your maximum Power Points
pitch fork 5 200 +5 sonic damage
plastic fangs NA 10 +1 Melee damage
plastic wrap armband 3 60 +5 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
Pouch of Few Lost Things NA NA +3% item drops
Pouch of Many Lost Things NA NA +5% item drops
Pouch of No Lost Things NA NA
Pouch of One Lost Thing NA NA +1% item drops
Pouch of Several Lost Things NA NA +4% item drops
Pouch of a Couple Lost Things NA NA +2% item drops
power tie 10 180 +10% Strength
prince prints 4 48 +3% chance of enemy fumbles
public eye NA NA Bolsters your To Hit when the city is under attack
raccoon mask 7 145 +5% Strength
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance.
Queen of the Apocalypse 7 NA -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+5% chance of critical hits
quivering antenna 9 165 +10 Reflexes
red cape 11 NA +10 foe toughness
righteous shades 15 7 +5% to your maximum Hit Points
+10% electric resistance
+10% psychic damage resistance
Ring of Fellowship NA NA Grants invisibility (chat effect)
+20 to maximum HP
+5% psychic damage resistance
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP when any two items from the set are worn
+X offense (+5/level, max: +60) when the full set is worn
Ring of Solis 70 NA Grants invisibility (chat effect)
+5% resistance to all elements
+10 psychic damage
+40 to maximum HP
+40 to maximum PP
+10% Intellect
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
ryme of the ancient mariner 18 200 +3% XP per turn
+5 XP per turn
serpent amulet 9 145 +10% to your maximum Power Points
seventh of nine 3 68 +5% Item Drops
shackles 7 96 +8 foe toughness
shimmering wings 12 NA Grants wearer the ability to fly
+5% dodging ability
+5% to initiative
Shining Trapezohedron 55 NA Increased chance of noncombat adventures
+10 HP per turn
shoehorn 5 70 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
shoulder pad inserts 4 10 +15 defense
shrunken head 10 150 +12 psychic damage
Take 6 psychic damage per round of combat
silver bracelet NA 100 +1 increased foe toughness
silver star NA NA +20 to Maximum HP or PP
silver-plated star NA 5 -5 to Maximum HP
-5 to Maximum PP
singed wallet NA 2 -5% chips
+1% item drops
siren's song 12 100 Increased chance of combat adventures.
smoky goggles NA 2 -5% item drops
+1% chips
snap bracelet 4 10 +15 offense
Sophocle's monocle 5 200 Allows soul gazing
sonic echidna figurine 4 NA +5 sonic damage
spinel ion stone 9 100 +10% Intellect
string bling 10 150 +10 foe toughness
Increased chance of combat adventures
string necklace NA 20 +7% chips
Impeded computer interaction
sunglasses 5 NA +5% Chips
supersolid mettle medal NA NA +8 Strength
+8 Intellect
+8 Reflexes
supremely silky spider NA NA +5 to maximum HP
taped glasses 10 150 +10% Intellect
teardrop necklace 8 144 +10% acid damage resistance
The Grouch's Sack of Loot (empty) NA NA +5% effectiveness from your sidekick
The Grouch's Sack of Loot (full) NA NA +10% effectiveness from your sidekick
The Recycler's bin 7 200 +8% item drops
the Scottish necklace 8 125 +5% Weapon Damage Returned As HP
tin medal 11 110 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+10 to maximum HP
+5 weapon damage
topaz ion stone 9 100 +15 defense
torc of antiquity 18 200 +5% XP per turn
-10% Intellect
turtle amulet 9 145 +10% defense
umpire's glasses 3 32 +3% item drops
underpowered PDA 5 60 +1 XP per combat
unrequited lovers' locket NA 1 +2 HP per turn
+2 PP per turn
-2 HP per turn
-2 PP per turn
venerable beads necklace 18 200 +5 XP per turn
+10 sonic damage
verse of the dodo 6 253 +3 XP per combat
Vociferous's earplugs 5 200 +50% sonic damage resistance
Vuvuzilla's xylophone 9 200 +10 sonic damage
white belt NA 50 Approved for use in the PvP arena
+1 PvP starting points
+1 PvP offense
+1 PvP defense
Wolfram Watch of Wary Wisdom 10 200 +5% dodging ability
+5% Intellect
Wolley's Index NA NA +20% item drops
+8 psychic damage
Xam's pouch of generosity 8 200 +12% chips
Xelor watch 4 65 +10% To Initiative
x-ray glasses NA NA +5% chance of critical hits
+20% damage to foes' weaknesses
+20% item drops
yellow bandana mask 8 108 +6 Strength

Equipment Summary Tables
Helmets | Shirts | Full-body Suits | Gloves | Pants | Boots | Accessories | Talismans

Melee Weapons | Ranged Weapons | Offhand | Transportation

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