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  • Stunning only occurs when you manage to hit your opponent. If a stun triggers you see the message:
Your vicious attack leaves your opponent stunned.

And later

Your opponent is too stunned to act.
  • The opponent is stunned for a single round, the round in which the hit occurred.
Source Source type Chance Duration Requirements Notes
datagloves Gloves 5% Always Level 6 +5 electric damage
Scourge of Souls Melee weapon 5% Always Level 55 -10 foe toughness
+50 Melee damage
+10% of weapon damage returned as HP
Spring-Heeled Jack's boots Boots 5% Always Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
+10% dodging ability
+1 skill point applied to combat skills if Jill's elegant gloves is worn
sun dress Full-body suit 5% Always Level 14 +10 electric damage
+4 PP per turn
+5% item drops
blunderbuss Ranged weapon 3% Always Level 18 +10 XP per combat
combative 'tank' top Shirt +3% Always Level 9 Increased chance of combat adventures
+3 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
embossed emblem Accessory 3% Always Level 4 +4 XP per combat
energy mace Melee weapon 2% Always Level 5 Elementals only
+10 electric damage - for Elementals only
office trebuchet Ranged weapon 2% Always Level 10 Successful hit weakens opponents (by 10 points)
Giger counter Accessory 2% Always Level 6 +10% Intellect
righteous hook Melee weapon 1% Always Level 15 +5% Strength

Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration