Merit Badges

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All merit badges are gained by satisfying some requirement, and then visiting the Heroes' Guild.

Badge Image Image name Requirement
Heroic Recycler reduce-and-reuse-first Transmogrifying 20 times
From Dusk 'Til Dawn sun-go-up-sun-go-down Patrol until 6:30 AM
Crystal Collector mmm-thats-good-cosmic-karma Collect 333 cosmic crystals
Coffee Snob nothing-but-kopi-luwak Drink 72 fancy lattes
Joltin' Joe Sombrero left-and-gone-away Use 56 baseball bats
Pinball Wizard getafirstlife-dot-com Level each game in the Virtual Reality Gaming Center to bracket 10
Delayed Gratification twice-as-nice Level up twice in a row without leaving the Heroes' Guild
"Impossible" Badge
Talk About an Old Timer you-alpha-believe-it Be an alpha tester (no longer obtainable)
Really Out to Sea think-im-a-banana-tree Have exactly 51 playing cards in your inventory
Tremors Are My Friend seismic-raspberry Collect 500 S.U.I.T. points
Two Bits Times Two golden-oldie Reach level 50
Lazy Boy and the Recliner i-am-sofa-king Rest more than 210 minutes in one day
I Have a Bridge to Sell You think-this-badge-is-about-you Donate for 11 straight days to the Snowflake Leader Board
The Badge of the Wicked wheeeh-weeeeh-weeeeh Wear Droog costume with Moped
Brontosaurus Bully‎ dinosaur-in-a-haystack Collect 200 red claws and 200 red teeth
Where's the party? what-no-cake Having at least 1200 minutes of Mechapinata!!
National Lampoons some-town-in-maryland Choose "Exit stage center" in the non-combat Intermission a total of 20 times
Quite the Bulldozer six-half-tons-and-what-do-you-get Remove 6000 pounds of rock from the rubble field (no longer obtainable)
Currently Unknown
Month of Mayhem thirty-days-hath-september Play at least 29 days (4w 1d) of in-game time
Skin of the Teeth those-are-razor-thin-margins Win five fights with 1 HP left at the end
More than One Way to Hunt a Bounty quicker-picker-upper Have 50 or more damage absorption
Whirlwind Tour around-and-around-it-goes Complete a run in ≤ 32hrs.
Emperor's New Badge clear Be invisibly-equipped
That Old Trope Again? one-man-cannot-summon-the-future Fight your evil twin 20 times
Grandmaster of Retcon you-say-checkmate-i-say-checkmate Have a full chess set (king, queen, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 8 pawns) in your Memento Display
Sybil i-gotta-reputation-lots-of-them Have each Reputation at least once in your Retcon history
Rogue Ranch Repeated Redux once-twice-four-times-a-hero Create a Quizzically Quivering Quadraphonic Quad-Quadrant
This Lousy Badge you-omicron-believe-it Be a beta tester (no longer obtainable)
Mettle Gear Solid i-always-die-on-the-first-screen Have a Supersolid mettle medal equipped
The White Badge elephant-in-my-pajamas Defeat 20 evil velour elephants (no longer obtainable)
Evil Moustache this-cant-possibly-be-good Have all Static Villains and Wandering Villains item drops in your Memento Display.
Give 'em a Hand golf-clap-for-heroes-at-work Trade in 15 the other other hand
+1000 Points thousand-points-for-Ravenclaw ???
Four, Four, Four, Four Heroes in One sixtyeightdude Perm all class skills
Talismaniac horribleblackvoid Complete five retcons with five different non-class Talismans equipped
Utility Badge obviousborgjoke. Have Somber's Fedora, Ever-Dim Halter, Shade's Cargo Pants, Dusk's Baton, and the Futility Belt equipped
The Most Interesting Badge in the World stayfrostymyfriends Complete an heirloom run inheriting the most interesting item in the world and then start another run
Ionic Science likeanionstormonyourweddingday Having Ionic Bondage skill permed and with 10 skill points invested.
Candy Sovereign trickertreatersoldierspy Having the Brick Intestine, Hungry like the Wolf Pup, It's Placebo Effective!, and Spitting Lightning effects active.
Ice Cubed tothethirdpower Complete three heirloom retcons inheriting the novelty ice cube tray
When Life Gives you pollution dontgiveahoot.gif dontgiveahoot Complete an heirloom run with the polluted charm equipped throughout and then start another run
XXIIIrd Time's a Charm tisbutxxiiiscratches Defeat 23 stabbing stagehand
Knight of the Old Stuff forgeandthefold ???
This Badge is so Meta Iheardyoulikebadges ???
Aspiring Luddite File:Itjustneededpaper.jpg itjustneededpaper Defeat 500 (?) killer printers
Enter Initials 3,333,360 Score higher than 90,000 points in a Too Hard retcon
Amateur Vulcanologist thewatersfine Fighting a lava + racing opponent during a Too Hard retcon?
The Soul Gazes Back thirdactor Facing Sophocles having the Sophocle's bifocles equipped.
Cyberpsychologist zomszomsinthedeep Perm all 8 of the skills from bosses in Shiloh Sanatarium sub-zones
Christmas Classics kingofchristmastown Complete an Heirloom Retcon inheriting a Christmas gift?
Eternal Grit falsedarkness Defeat a recurring villain a hundred times?
Dashing Hat Trick hunttheburninator Complete Hero Dash 3 times.
Now a Word From Our Sponsors File:Vhf4life.jpg vhf4life Unlock 13 sponsor options from the cape of sponsorship