HP modifiers

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  • Amounts for Skills are effected by S, the number of skill points invested in the skill.
Source Source type Increase Duration Requirements Notes
Euphoria Item 100% 60 Minutes Obtained from white pill and liao
+4 damage absorption
+100% XP per combat
Due Utter Wretchedness all effects are in practice halved
Well Packaged Item 50% 90 Minutes Obtained from box pill
+50% to maximum PP
Aura: Vigor Psion Skill 20% + S% 30 minutes Level 12 +2 + round(S/3) HP per turn
genuine lookalike World Series 2009 ring Talisman 20% Always -20% to your maximum Power Points
Raskolnikov's fur hat Helmet 20% Always Level 2 +10% fire resistance
Angriest Man's Squeezeball of Rage Talisman 20% Always +30% Strength
+10% to hit
-15% defense
Reed's Brassard Talisman 20% Always +30% Strength
+10% to hit
-15% defense
Astral Monkey's Paw Necklace Talisman 10% Always +15% Strength
-5% Intellect
Atmos Spear (extended) Melee weapon 10% Always Level 10 Grants wearer the ability to fly
Can call down lightning 5 times per day
+8% chance of critical hits
Gilligan's golf club Melee weapon 10% Always Level 13 +10% Reflexes
+6% chance of weapon fumbles
+3% chance of enemy fumbles
mighty quill Melee weapon 5% Always Level 5 +5% Strength
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP
righteous shades Accessory 5% Always Level 15 +10% electric resistance
+10% psychic damage resistance
Viking Games jersey Shirt 5% Always +10% Strength
+10% Reflexes
+5% to initiative
+5 XP per combat
Ring of Solis Accessory 40 Always Level 70 Grants invisibility (chat effect)
+5% resistance to all elements
+10 psychic damage
+40 to maximum PP
+10% Intellect
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
epic flail Melee weapon 30 Always Level 14 +10% Strength
+4% chance of weapon fumbles
Causes disastrous fumbles
lion-hearted shield Offhand Item 25 Always Level 15 +5% Strength
Ant's Strength Naturalist Buff 10 + S 45 minutes +5 + S Strength
Atmos Spear (shortened) Melee weapon 20 Always Grants wearer the ability to fly
Can call down lightning 5 times per day
+7% chips
defender of the crown Helmet 20 Always Level 15 +10% Strength
Ring of Fellowship Accessory 20 Always Grants invisibility (chat effect)
+5% psychic damage resistance
Other benefits when set is worn
Aegis Flux Incapacitor Offhand item 20 Always Elemental attacks
damage absorption
+20% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
Attacker takes 5 damage
pants valiant Pants 20 Always Level 15 +10% Strength
silver star Accessory 20 Always +20 to max PP
Can wear two
trilobit Accessory 20 Always Level 11
trilobyte Accessory 20 Always Level 11 +2 HP per turn
serpentskin vest Shirt 15 Always Level 9
fullerene Offhand item 10 Always +10 to maximum PP
gold star Accessory 10 Always Increases all stats by +1 level:
+5 Strength
+5 Intellect
+5 Refleces
+10 Maximum PP
Green Globulin Effect 10 35 minutes Gained from using throwing star - black hole in combat
+10 PP
+10 offense
+10 defense
+10 to-hit
+10 dodge
shield of Zion Offhand item 10 Always Level 5 +10% electric resistance
The Baroness's stiletto boots Boots 10 Always Level 11 +3 defense
provocative helmet Helmet 5 Always Level 8 +5 foe toughness
Ember in a Bottle Talisman -2 Always +n (.5 x your level) spell damage
silver-plated star Accessory -5 Always -5 to max PP
Utter Wretchedness Item -50% 240 Minutes Obtained from white pill and liao
-2 damage absorption
-50% XP per combat

Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration